People have a fetish and they look for what they like. Having fetish porn isn't making people have that fetish or fantasy.
I'm a BDSM submissive and I don't commit crimes nor does anyone I know.
Just because a person has a fetish and does commit a crime does not mean porn made them do it.
Bad people exist, yes. But it's deeper than porn is making people do bad things. Because people have had these fetishes and fantasies and such desires before porn was invented. No one talked about it.
Just because people watch a lot of porn does not mean they are addicted, although there at people who are addicts, but those are people who allow porn to affect their lives.
Just because there are a few bad eggs don't mean we need to end porn.
Example. When the movie came out, fast and furious. Two guys from my city decided to race on open freeway o think they got hurt, but the point is do we stop showing movies with racing cars?
How about the violence during sporting events. Do we stop selling tickets? Because people don't know how to enjoy a game without putting other in the hospital?
Why should I be forced to stop watching porn because a few bad eggs commit crimes.
If anything schools, gov, families need to come together and educate their kids and let them know crimes are not okay.