Steemit and Steem getting some Press!

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Look what I stumbled upon regarding the new SMT (smart media token) announcement:

As a very wise man once said: 

"Move over Ethereum, Steem is about to monetize the whole internet."

Quote credited to: @donkeypong

The entirety of the release can be read below:

"Steemit, the first and largest blockchain-based social network, today announced the launch of a new cryptocurrency product that will seamlessly connect content-hosting websites to new revenue streams, consumer bases, and development opportunities.

This fall, Steemit will release new software that allows top publications, mainstream publishers, and social media platforms to create native tokens based on the Steem blockchain, allowing companies to integrate a customizable and intelligent token system into their website, portal, or platform.

Smart Media Tokens (SMTs) give anyone the power to launch and sell Proof-of-Brain tokens, which are tokens distributed by “upvote” and “like” based algorithms. 

The protocol enables anyone to launch Smart Media Tokens (SMTs) for their website, app, or community, from The New York Times to Subreddits to an independent WordPress blog, with the potential to create transaction revenue in ways that paywalls and subscriptions continue to come up short. SMTs are designed to reward publishers and consumers with native tokens based upon their contributions to the platform, based on likes, votes, views, shares, and comments.

CEO of Steemit Ned Scott said:

“Print is dying, ad integration is inefficient, distracting, and generally unwanted by consumers, all of which has led to a widespread battle to monetize content. SMTs represent the new frontier of a tokenized internet. We are going to see native tokens across thousands of mainstream websites where content is curated by the crowd, and publications and content hosts can establish dedicated revenue streams to allow richer and smarter content targeted directly to a user base.”

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SMTs will be a native protocol on the Steem Blockchain, one of the most scalable and efficient blockchains in the industry, allowing content publishers of any size to implement revolutionary new revenue models based on consumer engagement and interaction. The Steem Blockchain is faster and larger than the Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains combined.

It has 3 second block times with zero fees (a feature SMTs will share) and is capable of quickly processing a large number of micro-transactions required for any media entity across the globe. SMTs can be run by any publisher without changing any website infrastructure or functions. This marks a significant step toward bringing blockchain and cryptocurrency to mainstream media in an accessible and attainable way, breaking down barriers to enter the fastest growing industry in fintech, while creating a mutually beneficial bridge between consumers, content, and media revenue.

Scott added:

“Steemit represents the future of the internet and SMTs are how we will deliver that token-infused future for many, many more websites. Any website, application, community, or guild will be able to launch one of these tokens and integrate with various web interfaces in seconds. These tokens will be far-and-away the most user-friendly, inexpensive, secure and, most importantly, monetizable way of launching your own coin, fundraising for an organization, growing your community, and generating revenue for your enterprise.”

Steemit has experienced exponential growth since its launch in May 2016, with hundreds of thousands of users on the platform."

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(*special thanks to @cryptoctopus for the video link) 

This is great news and I look forward to more news outlets picking up this massive development for steem!


Image Sources:

Follow me: @jrcornel


dont forget the new youtube video:

How could I forget, added to the post ;)

Thank You BOTH 4 Sharing... Cornel & @CryptOctopu...

And of course to @Ned and his Team 4 the creation of this SmartMedia Coin !!

Cheers !!

That's what the cryptos need is more POSITIVE press exposure,
Not just rich bankers and wall street hogs bad mouthing them!✌

"Move over Ethereum, Steem is about to monetize the whole internet."
Love these lines
Keep it up nicely projected
Thanks to you & Steemit platform

Thanks, that quote gives me chills when I read it. :)

I wonder if I will be able to incorporate this into my website which I am planning to launch, I am building a WIX storefront at the moment. I would like to get my website built a token for customer spending a certain amount in the store would be amazing. I already downloaded the white paper earlier need to research study and learn. Guess I will learn alot from the community.

Yes. Feel free to reach out to @Ned or @andrarchy . I am sure he (they) would be happy to help answer any questions you might have related to your business idea.

Thank you for the info,very interesting
greetings @jrcornel

Nice, i love it

Woow It's a wonderful idea

Outstanding post and narrative.
Thanks for sharing such great post with us.

Great article, full STEEM ahead...

Hello,, @jrcornel, its breaking news for steeem community, much thankful to you for sharing in very detail about "smart media token" very helpful and useful software, i think mostly steamers are much excited after knowing about that.
UpVoTEd, FoLloweD

Great we have to promote steemit more better
it will be huge if steemit has a great marketing tool

Agreed. I think marketing will come, but it's not time for that yet. It actually is growing pretty well right now considering there hasn't been much official marketing done yet. :)

It seems it's big news all over steemit, read articles about it from @ned first, then @donkeypong and @cryptoctopus also wrote about it. I hope soon we can dump the control freaks like Google with their FB, Instagram and YouTube for a free and fair similar system that will not step over people and ban them from their sites for no reason whatsoever. Thank God & @ned for steemit, it's truly one of kind. Cheers

It truly is. The idea has almost limitless potential. It will be interesting to see how much of that is realized over the coming year/years.

Yes it does seem it's potential is limitless and hopefully many on steem blockchain will participate in making it the next big thing for social media. Cheers

Good to see, thank you.

Great post great information about crpto world. Thanks for sharing, yes steemit should be our highest point, thanks.

Its an exciting time to be a member of the steem community.

Thank you so much for this article. I'll be honest, I didn't quite understand SMTs exactly with the earlier articles. This was more clear.

Glad it could help, at least a little. :)

is this a pretty respected site?

Great information. Keep on Steeming!

Thanks for sharing this piece. Always looking for useful updates.

This will truly be amazing, we are on the forefront of something incredible and life-changing.

Wow, this is groundbreaking!🐓

I'm trying to get my head around this. Are these interchangeable with Steem?

I believe they will be tied to steem somehow. I am just not sure of all the technical aspects of how that works just yet.

Thanks for sharing keep it up

Hi.. this is @abdullahkhattak..
I am admin of a face book page "steemit global community".
We are looking for active members like you, active on steemit, having big goals.
We help all those who are the part of community, we promote each other's ideas.
If you want to be a part of community too.
Join us.
Link is

I hope you will like it there..
You can follow me on @abdullahkhattak.

Nice and resteem post you @jrcornel

INCREDIBLE! A few years such events could not even be imagined. The importance of virtuality! I'm glad to be part of this process. We're all lucky, as I think we here and see this progress, participate in it. The creators Steemit - great people and great minds, I ADMIRE THEM!

Exciting times indeed! Take that naysayers!

The birthing of making money through social media has begun its next phase.

Haha, yes it has!

Thanks for the news and the info about SMTs! Very helpful and encouraging!

great article

Good post! I'm going to follow you to see more post like this and for support us!

Sounds very encouraging!

The whole thing has just blown my mind! We are so lucky to be a part of this from the early days, I feel like we are a small family trying to get somewhere in the world and we have just been recognized for our hard work! lol Obvs not my hard work, I can only just type a blog! haha

This really is exciting. Good news!

This is really huge!
That means that places like Medium could just use this to reward their users and authors, right?

I've seen your posts it's so wonderful and greats

wow so are Smart Media Tokens a sort of Community Isued asset like the Pocket Token by @biophill that lets you send and recieve the tokens over the bliockchain using the comments...
I heard about these new Community Issued Assets and i think these two thinsg are different i think the CIA's will be more like easy to create tokens anyone can make or whch a "community" can make and a community will be like a subreddit i have heard, and that soon we will ahve actualy sub steemits so we can have our own customized steemit communities for specific topics where dolphins or even whales can emerge for a scpefici subculture or hobby and help users who are into the same stuff with related projects oh it wil be so awesome it will replace so many subreddits! many many subreddit users like in the photography and videos subreddits and meme subreddits wil come here instead of reddit!

Anyway yeah Steem is going to be going up up up, itys already up right now 10%! so is eos!

EOS up 22%

and steem is up 11.42%

This is getting so exciting!

U stay with a crypto long enough you're bound to get to experience some EXCITING days when it starts to moon! It feels SO GOOD to have the price go up after staying sideways for a while...

So happy when Steem and EOS are up 10 and 20% we will eventually see bull runs on EOS thats for sure

EOS might end up making us more money faster than Steem? Or steem might be making us just as much! I forsee EOS at least as high as Ethereum is now, so EOS will go from around $1 to $300 so a 300 x increase, would be so nice, so you could put $34,000 in and end up with $1 million dollars with a 300 x price increase like how Ethereum went from $1 to $300 this just reemmevr how easy it is to become a millionaire in this crypto game! have your thousands of dollars ready! Now is the time to get some Ms in your bank account as 21 savage would say. (and we are our own bank accounts now)

Wooooooo I get SOOO HIGH off crypto and steemit and ooking at prices when they are going up! and when things are down and i have money to bu them its also a great feeling but hahaha lets face it, when prices of crypto are up, its one of th best feelings

winning with cryptocurrency feels like this:

This is really exciting stuff and a great time to be here!

Do you know if the money will come from the sbd we give out now?

This sounds like a new step, that is for a newby as myself a little bit too much to comprehend, but definitely worth reading in to

Oh great! Another scam coin!

I can only see this as positive going forward. Because I am connected to Facebook were I would put my analysis and other comments but never got paid. I was just giving my ability away.

I'm excited! Thanks for sharing and resteemed!

Integrating a customizing token system is gonna make this huge!!!

good stuff, upvoted and resteemed :)