They all apparently started “manually curating”.. I’ve not bought votes on this post or any others and you can see so in my wallet. I also have close to $30 in downvotes on this post (not sure what you mean about “no downvotes from newsteem”), so no I would say I don’t have a free pass. Also part of this payout is going to the Steem.dao as mentioned.
Hope that answers your question, feel free to throw a downvote on though.. I encourage it.
Oh I see. They are "manually curating". I guess if you are paying the tribute to steem.dao then that would make more sense. You're also defending the new downvote culture in plenty of other peoples threads too, so I guess that makes you a bit special.
BTW, I don't consider haejin to be newsteem and I don't think anyone else does either.