You’re trying to get me in trouble 😄
But I’m honest to a fault.. so here goes nothing -
It depends on your goals to be honest, each individual may have a different end goal here and therefore the discussion would go differently.
For me personally I would (and have voted) to see Blocktrades as the front man in any meeting. He not only understands the technical limitations of the chain, helped actually develop it, etc but also has an insider look at Steemit inc and the sale itself. He is also someone who Eli apparently requested to not be there.. even more reason imo - they know they can’t fool him. His goals are lined up with mine, he’s and intelligent individual with business experience as well.
Another would be Crimsonclad (followbtcnews), as while she never takes center stage, she is extremely knowledgeable and diplomatic. She knows this community and chain inside and out.
I also think Starkerz would be a good choice for a meeting, but he’s not currently in the top witnesses etc.. but would feel comfortable with him being in a meeting like this. I don’t necessarily think this is a place for top witnesses only tbh.
I will say that those I want nowhere near it would be Aggroed, thecryptodrive, or klye.. and I don’t care if I take heat for that.
That’s my honest opinion; and only that. 🙂
thank you
oh and appreciate the honesty, courage
after listening to the first meeting between JSun and witnesses, I have to agree that @starkerz is one of the few top witnesses who came off well. Most of them couldn't seem to get past the butthurt aggression phase, which is useless in working toward a win win scenario. And of course while I agree totally with premise that technical witnesses are needed and agree with a vote for @netuoso, I also have to agree with @jrcornel below that he shouldn't be in a forward facing position in meetings with JSun and Tron. To say he came off as un-diplomatic in that meeting would be understatement of century LOL
I'm sorry, are we being diplomatic to a terrorist that is holding the blockchain hostage? Yeah, keep me out of that shit please.
don't take offense dude - I absolutely think you should be a top witness. Your comment reply here is pretty much exactly the point I was making - you don't think you should be diplomatic, so why in the world should you be included in diplomacy? It is a contradiction in terms.
Diplomacy at it's finest! =D
Just keep on speaking the truth. Let the chips fall where they belong.
Oh, I had no idea about Eli & Blocktrades... Would it be possible to hear/read the full story somewhere?
There isn’t much of a story. It was said they want to have a meeting.
cool Blocktrades should play point man...
oh she said they prefer to not have him there...
yeah who cares what they want.
That’s my translation of the convo.. it was a very short part but yeah.
Hmm, I see... Thanks for sharing though, I appreciate it.
I agree for your choice of @netuoso, I also agree with what you said:
when it comes to the best negotiators. There are also people outside the top 20 Witnesses with a perfect knowledge of Steem, its history, its international community and knowing how to express themselves with reason, serenity and objectivity. From my point of view, the presence of this kind of person at the negotiating table is essential to its success.