All about Steemit Reputation

in #steem6 years ago

☆Reputation on steemit

I think to grow on steemit , reputation is the most important factor to focus on it. Some people want to grow their upvotes , followers and account balance , But for me Reputation is most important because Reputation is permanent and this upvotes , balaces these all are temporary.
If u really want to be get some popularity or success on steemit .Reputation is the key.

Why more focus on Reputation?

Accounts having more reputation means their content is of high quality , Evryone wants to read high quality content. On the contrary , people don't even read post of accounts having low reputation , thinking as they have low quality post .
This is not always true . But people prefer High reputation Accounts . By having a high reputed account your chances of getting up-voted increases

Ways to increase Reputation😊✌


Firstly , i have to clear u guys that its not easy to grow reputation. It will take time and efforts to make a good reputation . Hardwork will make this possible for u to grow your reputation .

Quality content

If want people will upvote u and follow u .Then always post quality content . Never think that i will post anything on steemit . This will gives u nothing. So always remember to make and post quality content on steemit.

Comments and replies

This is also a good way to make people notice u .
Always comments on others post . That comment must be a genuine and real comment .Try to ask questions from others about their post so that they can notice u and reply u .
Also u will receive some comments on ur posts , always reply to that comments so that person will make positive image of yours because u making his value by replying him/her. Also if u like his comment give them an upvote .

Don't Copy & Paste

Most imporatnt for newbies . Never do this . Don't copy and paste others post or copyrighted pics etc. This will make ur post flagged by steem cleaners and cheetah bot and this will decrease ur reputation .

Title and Tags

This is an imporatnt part of making high quality post . Always choose a title that matches with your post, the title that describes about your post . Another one is your tags . So tags are important because tags means that u are focusing on audience that will interested to read ur post and you are tagging them . Also the tags have to be related to your posts.
Like if u are posting something about steemit platform then your main tag must be #steemit

Follow experts and learn

If u still have some confusions then follow people that are experts on steemit and learn from them . Observe them what they are doing , quaity of their post , layout of their post etc. This is because they are already expert in this field and they are bigger players than u . So follow experts and learn from them.


Be loyal and honest to your work . Make an aim that u will post 1 or 2 post a day on steemit ,but remember that post must be of high quality .Be consistent , do it regularly . Some times u will not get a good response but still u have to do it regularly. So remain consistent and follow above steps and make your good reputation on steemit

So after doing all this steps consistenlty u will reached to a level in your life where u have a good reputation and u r earning a good money . So that is the time to make sure u protect ur reputation and help other people to grow by appreciating their efforts .

So if u like this post then follow this steps and grow on steemit.
Good luck ✌
Thank you
