Wow Smidge, just wow. Remember when Bernie stole my millions of RC credits and I couldn't post at all, then he laughed about it. The morons replied with comments in his defense such as "well you just post too much and that is why you ran out of RC", meanwhile I post possibly more than anyone out here every day since taking this account over, and never, not even one time have I ever ran out of RC credits.. other than that one time, in which Bernie admitted to doing it and laughed his head off about it.
So yeah they did this to you Smidge. This is not decentralized. It is DecentraLIESed.
ps let me know if you have any other friends who want to join us at SF. Just trying to get everything ready for the big event. Need to know how many rooms to book etc.
The author behind @kawaiicrush spends every waking moment of his pathetic life thinking about @berniesanders. He claims @berniesanders has made over 11 million dollars in Steem and is INSANELY jealous he could never live such an amazing life. He's SO fucking pathetic he will make multiple posts and comments with ABSURD claims just to get the attention of his 8 pathetic followers who also have nothing better to do with their time than dream about @berniesanders and the life they will never live. How fucking pathetic can someone be, @kawaiicrush?