in #steem6 years ago (edited)

My responses in bold font to @joe.public. You can view his post here:

Hey @ngc group of accounts, why are getting so bent out of shape because of @kawaiicrush ?

Good question Joe. To be honest I have thought about this one myself pertaining to one thing, and one thing only which is this, if I was wrong about what I have been saying, why even bother responding to me? The truth is the truth regardless of what anyone says.

So if I was wrong, it should have no effect or bearing on anything that Bernie is up to. People could see for themselves he is an all around great person, who treats people with kindness and mutual respect, etc. And any person who knows he is of good character would automatically know "this kawaiicrush account is out to lunch! Bernie is a great person!". And that would be the end of it. Reality and truth stand on their own two feet. They do not require anyone to respond, or negate in defense of what is already clearly true. So if I was wrong, and he is none of the things I have shown, he would have no purpose to respond whatsoever. As it would be a waste of a good mans valuable time, and his reputation in and of itself would defend the gentleman. His good character would speak for itself.

I hear a good combination for releasing the frustrations of life are Viagra and cocaine. You may want to try it @ngc

Ok so I will give you an example of what is most likely happening. Believe it or not, people in modern times are hired to troll online, divide people, and or protest.

These people are often funded by the likes of George Soros. The old divide and conquer is at play. Someone may pretend to be a white who hates blacks, or a black who hates whites, when all the while the person is neither black or white, and is paid to write such comments while located for example in India, or Pakistan. Those are two random examples. This behavior has been proven. They are working hard to divide people on the world stage. A divided people are much easier to conquer and control.

Not sure if you have read 'Rules for Radicals' Joe, you might want to take a look at it, I will grab you a link in case you have not yet seen this.

This book is the Bible of the elites.

Ok so keeping that in mind, as well as that this was a crypto currency social media experiment, which by the way had ties to A.I., as well as mapping the human mind. The style of trolling you are witnessing coming from the Bernie account, may very well be someone who is being paid to generate a problem, watch people react (here is where they can get the human brain mapping data to teach their A.I.), and then the solution which is in the perfecting of the Artificial Intelligence, as well as watching human reactions to hyper verbal abuse scenarios.

It is also possible that the person behind that account, and or multiple people, are not hired trolls, but are the transhumanist scientists running the experiments from a direct hands on approach. Remember this most likely is a team of people, as typically a real experiment of this magnitude wouldn't be carried out by just one person. I have proof from conversations I have documented, in which the 'Bernie' account has said to people "that is not what has been requested at this time". <- this type of comment would indicate he is being given orders, as well as instructions.

What you are witnessing is methodical, planned, and structured demolition.


No average "Joe", no pun intended lol, would possibly have this much free time on their hands to hunt, and verbally slaughter hundreds, if not thousands of people for three years relentlessly non stop, just for the shits and giggles. There is just no way. This is a hyper 4 dimensional type of trolling, and I will tell you I have paid closer attention than anyone, as well as combed over thousands of interactions via the blockchain in which the Bernie account engages with a vast array of humans. I will tell you that the personality of the account changes its sex frequently. This indicates that the account is absolutely shared among multiple people. I have mapped 3 distinct personalities coming from the account based on a variety of markers which can be found within the dialog, expressions, common word choices, personality traits, feminine vs masculine responses etc. I will give you a laymen terms example of what I am speaking of. The Bernie account commonly used to go on jokingly about drugs and hookers, and spoke with a very masculine tone. However it will switch to using feminine phrases within its comments, its word choices, such as "super adorbs", or "way cute". When responding fondly to things, subjects, topics, which the account is 'acting' as if to be interested in.

The only other possibility, as has been agreed upon by a psychologist whom I have shared the data with, is that the account holder is suffering a serious case of multiple personality disorder, PTSD, probably a sufferer of childhood abuse, and is deeply dramatized. Not sure if you have seen the movie 'Split' but it would give you a better idea to what the condition looks like. I will inset the link here.

The Bernie account is most likely shared, as we are all aware that this is indeed an experiment.

I highly doubt the split personality disorder hypothesis. I think it is much more likely social scientists/trans humanists/technocrats behind the Bernie account.

Imagine scientists in a lab torturing animals just to see how they will react. Perhaps poking animals with sticks. Or even worse. I will insert a link that gives a visual on these types of experiments, which are more common than you might think.

Hitler was quite fond of such experiments on humans, although of course his were much more invasive. I will say though it is known in the medical community that verbal abuse, as well as psychological torment is equal to, if not even more effective than physical abuse. So even though no one is being physically touched in this Steem experiment, the verbal abuse would certainly cause trauma to unsuspecting people on this platform. Which makes this extremely inhumane.

It is my firm belief this was much more than a crypto experiment. This was a social experiment to map the human brain, to see how people respond to trauma, and verbal abuse on a social platform. From this data they can better enhance their A.I., as well as teach their A.I. how to be cruel. They need to teach them a wide range of emotions, hatred, and cruelty and so on are also part of it.

They will need to know how to handle us if we revolt in the near technocratic future. The NWO is coming, and A.I. will be policing us, while taking over the world as we know it. They want to show them how to react to all possibilities humans may throw at them when we reject, or revolt, to anything that goes against our human moral compass.

I question the efficacy of the strategy you are using.

You are right there is no efficiency. Unless you take into account my above points. Then you will see the Bernie account is actually being extremely efficient pertaining to what its intended purpose is. Which is to troll the living daylights out of people in a futurist, transhuman, human social experiment.

Your actions only serve as validations of the points being made.

Yes, I absolutely agree.

I ask myself, why would the @ngc/@berniesanders group of accounts do that?

I explained above since he won't.

I know you are not stupid. So you must be creating something unattractive deliberately. Why else would the @ngc group of accounts have attacked @greenman without any provocation.

Yes very astute of you Joe. The person, and or people on the other end are not stupid. You can tell by the way he, or they police speech with absolute flawless perfection pertaining to grammar. He claimed at one point to be someone who came into money, but whom was from the school of the hard knocks, grew up with nothing. I simply do not buy it. Real people who actually come from nothing are not aware of where every single comma and accent should be placed within a sentence. This hard knocks claim is fake. Which proves your point of his intelligence.

Sort of reminds me of this. Great flick by the way :D

Lyrics which are appropriate:

"8 Mile Freestyle Pt.III vs "Papa Doc""

Now everybody from the 313
Put your motherfucking hands up and follow me
Everybody from the 313
Put your motherfucking hands up
Look, look

Now while he stands tough
Notice that this man did not have his hands up
This free world got you gassed up
Now who's afraid of the big bad wolf

1, 2, 3 and to the 4
1 Pac, 2 Pac, 3 Pac, 4
4 Pac, 3 Pac, 2 Pac, 1
You're Pac, he's Pac, you're Pacs: none

This guy ain't no motherfucking MC,
I know everything he's got to say against me,
I am white, I am a fucking bum,
I do live in a trailer with my mom,
My boy Future is an Uncle Tom.
I do got a dumb friend named Cheddar Bob
Who shoots himself in his leg with his own gun,
I did get jumped by all 6 of you chumps
And Wink did fuck my girl,
I'm still standing here screaming, "Fuck the free world!"
Don't ever try to judge me, dude
You don't know what the fuck I've been through

But I know something about you

You went to Cranbrook. That's a private school

What's the matter, dawg? You embarrassed?

This guy's a gangster? His real name's Clarence

And Clarence lives at home with both parents

And Clarence's parents have a real good marriage

This guy don't wanna battle, he's shook

'Cause ain't no such things as half-way crooks
He's scared to death
He's scared to look
In his fucking yearbook,
Fuck Cranbrook

Fuck a beat, I go a capella
Fuck a Papa Doc, fuck a clock, fuck a trailer,
fuck everybody
Fuck y'all if you doubt me
I'm a piece of fucking white trash, I say it proudly
And fuck this battle, I don't wanna win, I'm outty,
Here, tell these people something they don't know about me.

More accounts like his would be a great draw card for the platform. But the @ngc group of accounts does not want that.

Yes you are absolutely right. They do not require more new accounts they had just enough to extract money from the people whom they were experimenting on, all while conducting their experiment. This sharade will continue until the very end. Now they will use the Bernie account to help put the final nail in the Steem coffin.

So what is the real desired outcome for Steem ?

It was to extract data. If you look at the privacy policy you will see they know your name, address, email, and more info about you than perhaps even your next door neighbor. Also they tracked all of your online movements, how you responded to abuse, how did you respond when seeing others abused, do people ignore it, stand up? React? If so, how?

This was a sick, twisted, sadistic experiment which in my opinion was very inhumane. And considering most people had, and still have no clue that they were nothing more than lab rats.

Does he really take actions that consistently support the growth of this blockchain? and the price?

They do not care about the blockchain, or the price. They have bigger fish to fry. We are nothing but pee ons to them. Disposable trash, just like 'Bernie' frequently tells all of us.

What are you going to do about it?

They will do nothing, zip, nada! They are going to burn the business down purposefully to collect the insurance money. Just like building 7 on Sept 11 which an airplane never hit.. ;)

Continue to pretend its not happening?

Yeah, that is the idea. Most people believe everything is legitimate. Which is perfectly normal. Why should any normal people have any reason when joining to believe that anything sinister is afoot. Good people just assume that others are good like them. Not to mention that many of the 'popular' accounts are in on it. People have full conversations, and pseudo friendships with accounts who pretend to be 'just normal blockchain folks', all while never knowing they are actually speaking to people directly affiliated with Stinc. However I have also tracked those accounts, and the vast majority of cheerleader comments you guys are reading, are just Stinc sock puppet accounts.

Not only are they pretending it is not happening, they are also putting into motion a course of action, that not only further lowers the Steem casket into the ground, but in addition to that financially vampires the few people that remain for every last penny they are worth. This is being done through a plethora of shit coins being created, which do not give value to Steem, but instead devalue Steem.

Thank you for asking questions. It is refreshing to see a real human with real questions in this wasteland of bots, and having my leg pissed on whilst being told it is raining!

Lastly on a side note notice the Google ads on the 'Steem' website? Hmm.. Also did you know that RocksDB which powers Steem is Facebooks? Hmm.. Notice Dan Larimer went from working for the US Department of Defense and then BAM made Steem(it)! Hmm.. no no it must all just be some big coincidence. Nothing to see here! Move along lol the @ here)steemitblog/engineering-update-cost-reductions-rocksdb-mira-condenser-split

The person, or people running the Bernie account, based on what the psychologist has seen, have been loosely diagnosed as psychopaths, as the doctor would of course need to meet with them to do a proper patient study. The assessment was based on the conversations exhibited between the Bernie account when engaged with others on Steem.

We should hope this is just a formal social experiment here on Steem, that would be the least of our concerns. As if this is just a random person in society with no real motive to act as a psychopath, it was the doctors opinion that this individual is a real danger to society.

Cheers Joe!

ps if anyone is reading this power the fuck down while you can still get .18 cents. They are pulling building 7 if you haven't noticed.

You guys can thank me later for the much needed hard metaphorical slap across the face. ;)


#toughlove #powerdown #steem #dead #over #experiment #money #free #informationwar #truth


next level conditionizing

You are absolutely right

The author behind @kawaiicrush spends every waking moment of his pathetic life thinking about @berniesanders. He claims @berniesanders has made over 11 million dollars in Steem and is INSANELY jealous he could never live such an amazing life. He's SO fucking pathetic he will make multiple posts and comments with ABSURD claims just to get the attention of his 8 pathetic followers who also have nothing better to do with their time than dream about @berniesanders and the life they will never live. How fucking pathetic can someone be, @kawaiicrush?

The author behind @kawaiicrush spends every waking moment of his pathetic life thinking about @berniesanders. He claims @berniesanders has made over 11 million dollars in Steem and is INSANELY jealous he could never live such an amazing life. He's SO fucking pathetic he will make multiple posts and comments with ABSURD claims just to get the attention of his 8 pathetic followers who also have nothing better to do with their time than dream about @berniesanders and the life they will never live. How fucking pathetic can someone be, @kawaiicrush?

If I read the above and then look at the flagging, it becomes too obvious for me to ignore that this is censorship, not just one person unhappy about what is said about him.

It is weird how the very people who keep tellijng us that flagging is not censorship, flag to death anything they do not like, not because of wanting to protect steemit users.

If you are genuine in your analysis, then it took guts to make this post. Either way, you made me think, and that is always 'a good deed'.@kawaiicrush


PS: I have bookmarked this post, so it will not just disappear into the black hole of the blockchain.

Welcome to the list.


Thank you kindly for your response. Yes it never hurts to think, and to ask questions. Can you imagine if the wheel was square, and no one was allowed to wonder if it instead should be round. Asking questions helps find solutions to making things better. And for me that is always a win.

As for the censorship topic yes I full heartedly agree. This is how it looks at first:

Even the memo that comes with the censorship in and of itself admits to censorship, as it states "this post was hidden". Many people are under the misconception that censorship equals total eradication, but it actually does not. The mere act of hiding/concealing something, or a portion of something is the very definition of censorship.

The censorship resistant feature of Steem(it) was one of the main features that set Steem apart from the rest. I know this was a huge draw for people who stand for freedom of speech, and freedom of thought. Slowly over time Steem(it) has, one person at a time been erasing peoples comments from being seen all together. Did you know that if coininstant or fulltimegeek were to comment on your or my post, we would not be able to see it. We would have to know where to look to find the comments to be able to see or respond to them. One at a time they are erasing people. Of course their wallet still exists, and of course you can see what they say if you view it directly on the blockchain. But what average user is going to 'surf Steem' on the blockchain? Most average normal folks don't even know what a blockchain is, much less where to go to view what is on it!

Thanks again for your comment.


The author behind @kawaiicrush spends every waking moment of his pathetic life thinking about @berniesanders. He claims @berniesanders has made over 11 million dollars in Steem and is INSANELY jealous he could never live such an amazing life. He's SO fucking pathetic he will make multiple posts and comments with ABSURD claims just to get the attention of his 8 pathetic followers who also have nothing better to do with their time than dream about @berniesanders and the life they will never live. How fucking pathetic can someone be, @kawaiicrush?

When there is a discussion between two people and a third person gives himself the right to intervene and flag the exchange of thoughts or ideas, as they have done with YOUR reply to ME, then it is proof of total and absolute censorship - and the arguments claiming it is not are just the typical leftist student sophistries that communists and dictators use to justify their actions.

In a previous discussion about flagging, I explained that censorship does not require that a message is totally deleted; all it requires is that the article be removed by at least one step from easy or obvious availablity for the eye to notice and read.

I gave the example a business person understands: If I own a large store, but do not want to be seen to be boycotting your products, I do not remove your products from my shelves. What I do is place them in the least noticed parts of the store (which of course also includes shelves ar floor level or at above head level). Also, for instance, if I place the product out of context, on shelves promoting non-related products only.

In other words, just as I can make the marketing of your product more effective by positioning, so can the converse be easily achieved.

I was told I do not know what I am talking about and flagging is NOT censorship. What they did not take into account is that I grew up in a country where the government used censorship in many ways and we learnt to look beyond the flimsy/emotional excuses given to us.

My posts were ripped out of two steps removed, flagged & censored for sure! Flagging is nothing compared to censoring!

Is there any way we can get in touch on Discord or other? There is something very important I want to share with you. Sort of hard to do it here. And I know you will be very interested in what the information is.

Thanks man

The author behind @kawaiicrush spends every waking moment of his pathetic life thinking about @berniesanders. He claims @berniesanders has made over 11 million dollars in Steem and is INSANELY jealous he could never live such an amazing life. He's SO fucking pathetic he will make multiple posts and comments with ABSURD claims just to get the attention of his 8 pathetic followers who also have nothing better to do with their time than dream about @berniesanders and the life they will never live. How fucking pathetic can someone be, @kawaiicrush?


The author behind @kawaiicrush spends every waking moment of his pathetic life thinking about @berniesanders. He claims @berniesanders has made over 11 million dollars in Steem and is INSANELY jealous he could never live such an amazing life. He's SO fucking pathetic he will make multiple posts and comments with ABSURD claims just to get the attention of his 8 pathetic followers who also have nothing better to do with their time than dream about @berniesanders and the life they will never live. How fucking pathetic can someone be, @kawaiicrush?