I read your post...
Really very important and informatve article....
Thnx for sharecthis post with us
Posted using Partiko Android
I read your post...
Really very important and informatve article....
Thnx for sharecthis post with us
Posted using Partiko Android
I apologize that a spam bot has singled youu out for simply making comments, as if you were soime sort of sutomated comment maker... you clearlytjust have limited english skills, and yet steem whales piunish you for this,
this is why steem will never ever grow and wwhy palnet and weedcash are also doomed because teh same people exist on all platforms, plus the same assholes can just use the steem they got too easily and just buy PAL etc, so you cant stop the asshoel asew just have to outnumber them by allowing users to join
but why woudl whales on steem wanna allow mroe peopel to come ina nd take their reward poo away? Never,ind tehfact that the pool shjoudl goup with price of steemgoingup, nbo the whales cant think 2 months in advanced