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RE: WTF is dMania?

in #steem7 years ago

Nice work, but I really miss the categorisation present on every old-school centralised meme-aggregation site... How about implementing dMania tag pages by allowing contributors to choose a tag "extension" for their post?

On Steemit, it would look something like this:

dmania:[page name]

The "dmania:" part should help keep Steemit tidy and separate meme-tags from blog-posts. Who knows: if dMania really takes off, this might be needed someday.

Let's say I want to make a post about cats. While submitting my image, I would be presented with an input box that allows me to choose the dMania page I want to post on (I suggest limiting the number of extension-tags on a single dMania post to one). When I type in "cats", my post gets tagged with "dmania" and "dmania:cats" upon submission, and appears on both dMania's homepage page and its "cats" page, the latter displaying all posts tagged with both "dmania" and "dmania:cats" (and use the post ranking from the "dmania:cats" tag) while the homepage would still list every post with a tagline starting with "dmania" (like it does now, presumably).

But why wouldn't the "cats" page simply display all posts tagged with "dmania:cats"? This way, posts submitted with the category-tag as their primary tag (lacking the "dmania" primary tag) would not be displayed on the tag pages. If it were otherwise, dMania's home page might fall apart: because Steemit categories prioritise posts that list the category first, posts with a tagline starting with "dmania:cats" would get a preferential treatment on the "cats" page and skip the homepage altogether. This would make dMania kinda broken, if you asked me.

Lastly, while this system would also work with a limited number of categories chosen through a drop-down menu, free input seems like a more efficient and decentralised solution. Like Steemit, dMania would display the most popular tags in a sidebar, that would work like the one on Steemit but only display tags starting with "dmania:": another good reason for using a prefix.


Thanks for your great feedback. Atm dMania is still tied to Steemit and most users want the visibility and upvotes from Steemit. That's why users can choose their own tags.
It probably won't stay like that. There are still some technical limitations why dMania can't have it's own tags. For example I can only query the most popular Steem tags. I probably would have to track dMania tags myself or create predefined tags.

For the moment I think dMania is fine like it is. 9GAG for example had millions of users before they added tag pages. I will work on it when there are more users and posts.