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RE: Steemit Update

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Dear @ned,

I realize that at the time of this comment, with the 249 existing comments, I'd have better luck tying a couple tin cans together and then tossing one as far west as I can throw, hoping you'll notice me... but, dude... if you manage to hear my little voice in this wildly unballanced clamor of yesmen, please take a second and check out my stream. Your time is valuable and I'd really appreciate your attention, even if you disagree with what I'm trying (and mostly failing) to do. It's gotten bad enough that I don't even care anymore if you wipe me out for mouthing off to you. (Uh, like, please don't though, okay?)

I want you to watch this thing. I warn you, it's really long, clocking in at over 20min but it's totally worth it. But if you wanna just cut to the chase, you can skip to minute 16-18ish for the part where I talk right at you.

I've tried getting your attention a few times during my year on Steem, with varying levels of aplomb (or the lack thereof) to no avail. But now that you're putting yourself out there to be approached, can we please get some sort of dialog going? I represent a bunch of little fish- a position I didn't insert myself into willingly- and we could really use some frickin help, my bro!

Please, for everyone's sake, set down the damn guitar, put on a grownass man's outfit, check this shit out, and then, for the love of Steem, DO SOMETHING! PLEASE! We're dying here ffs!!

You don't even have to flag @berniesanders, okay? Just weigh in on how newcomers and fulltime steemians matter to you in some way, alright? You wanna be the cool bossguy? Here's your chance.

Please, Obi-Ned Kenobi! You're, like totally, our only hope, guy! lulz

Hugz 'N Kisses,

P.S. Nice hair, brah!

