To be honest, I am shocked to see my current curation rewards for the past 7 days at only ~36 Steem, which is a huge difference from the usual ~150 Steem / week. As I've not been posting much and have dedicated my voting power for curation and supporting some authors, this certainly is starting not to look like an aligned incentive. So I did a rough calculation to see if there's really something wrong:-
- Total supply at the moment: ~260,000,000 Steem
- Current emission rate: ~9% / year = ~23,400,000 Steem / year
- Rewards for authors & curators: ~75% of emissions = ~84,000 Steem / day
- Total vested Steem: ~190,000,000 Steem Power
- My vested Steem: ~190,000 Steem Power
- Ratio of my stake: ~0.1% of network's total
- My ideal proportional earnings (author & curation rewards) = 0.1% of 84,000 Steem / day = 84 Steem / day = 588 Steem / week
- Expected curation rewards = 25% of 588 Steem / week = 147 Steem / week
- My current curation rewards = 36 Steem / week
So yes, my average curation rewards for the past year checks out at ~150 Steem / week. Something's wrong recently then seeing that it has gone down about 4.5 times. I don't mind not meeting my ideal proportional earnings from not posting often and just vote. However, this kind of curation reward for myself is just way too crappy at the moment. What's up?
Edit: Looks like it was just an error on Steemit's / Steemkr's interface.
That’s like almost 1/3, maybe if has something to do with the internal market and the price being almost the same. I’ve noticed that as well
Oh no, that's just hte price of SBD in effect. Btw, no problem here. Just a glitch yesterday lol
@kevinwong Base in steemit faq:
Did you followed this method? because I usually vote after 30 min.
I know about this, it's just that i'm not actually hunting for insane curation rewards. Just wanna keep voting like a normal person (plus some automation) and earn whatever i've been earning all along. So even if i finish reading in 5 minutes, i'll just vote.
Hi Kevin!
I checked on Steemworld... everything looks fine... you are doing 190SP a week... not bad... maybe it was just an error.
I'm doing 12SP a week... with only 2780 SP... not bad for a mannequin, haha.
Big hug
Steemitri The Mannequin
You're on Steemit, so minnow first, mannequin second!
I'm mannequin-minnow-blogger-influencer... the only one in the whole planet, haha!!!
You talk a lot for a mannequin though. 😂😂😂
I am starting to wonder... do you know Sophia the AI?
Oh Sophia! I like her ;-)
Ah.. I checked Steemit.com and Steemkr.com, both yielded same results. I guess it's an error then. Thanks..
What? share your secrets! pure curation?
I learned a lot from the "Curation League"
... I do everything manually ;-) by Asher @abh12345 ... and last week I won... yeah :-)
Wow, @abh12345 will be proud of this. His disciples are already forging ahead. Congratulations, am pushing small small.
Haha... yeah! He also sent me a postcard!!!
So... waiting for your postcard now ;-)
Plastic hug
Hahahahaha, all this manually. I really wanna be like you when I grow up.
Ah nice. Sounds suspicious though.. lol
Well seen as ginabot pinged me twice in this post, I thought I'd better come take a look!
It's really a case of time/money - however, 'time' can be devoted by someone else as per later in my reply.
You have a 1SP per 1000 SP vested return, which isn't so bad seeing as you are 75% auto.
Manually though, I think you could do much better - 50% better. However, your curation time would also go up. Unless...
For a while, @dontstopmenow was the champion of my weekly league, and that got him a job at the head of a trail in which @cryptoctopus (175k SP prior to him leasing) followed.
Circumstances have changed there recently and so @dontstopmenow is currently available (that may change soon though I guess). Anyway,I think he could get you up to 300SP+ a week.
He was up to around 320SP a week with 175k SP for cryptoctopus, who was suffering at around half that.
I would guess that you could keep some of your trails running, and perhaps lower the vote %, but that could discussed with the man in the know, if you are interested.
Need some serious mentorship on curation here. you guy are good at it, I know I will get there soon
Hola Asher!!!
This week I'm doing super-great, better than the last weeks ;-)
... but I'm out of the league 1 now.
Gonna check your post and the new winners tomorrow ;-)
Do you mean you want to be removed from league 1? I'll forget to do that as I use the same lists! :D
Haha... yeah... let's just say mannequinly
It sure is not bad =)
cool app and fast.
It seems a lot of people are thinking about Curation rewards.
Wow for an account your size to be getting only 180 SP a week means you really are spreading your votes to a lot of the content that doesn't get much love or attention. good for you man. I was sent here by a comment by @silentscreamer on my own post asking about curation rewards.
I'm happy to see people like you who are doing this for the growth of the platform.
I myself I'm terrible at curation rewards with about 2k SP I only get 2-3 SP each week as curation rewards but I am able to spread above 500 votes to over 220 individuals who usually just get cents. In an effort for community building with @promo-mentors as well as several other small communities and authors that I support.
Thanks for the curation work you're doing. It's like that, proper curation really has to be incentivised more. But the bid bots and non-curating whales aren't helping much.
True I don't know if you have been checking Asher's (@abh12345) curation league posts which is always a good read on maximizing curation rewards and his league 2 more on Engagement and spreading votes and comments which shows how much an impact people who are in engaging the whole Steemit community.
As @davemccoy says it is the place to see the future influencers of the platform.
I noticed that too this afternoon after reading a post by @tarazkp. I think there's a glitch or some developmental issues which I haven't heard any satisfying response yet. I hope it will be corrected too or we get an explanation from the development team. But just know that it's something that is affecting everyone of us here at the moment.
Looks like it's already fixed lol. Case over xD
Yea, I just checked your account now. that's pretty awesome, did you do all that manually?
Nope, these days it's about 25% manual. Others are subcommunity curation trails :)
Yeah i also checked it out on steemworld, looks like it was just a little hiccup. I would love to be able to curate 150 SP/week. I am working hard just to get myself up to 15 SP a week right now. We all have our different battles haha. Do you use many autovoters, manually curate stuff or a bit of both? I try and do most of my curating manually, but it is time consuming, however i feel its the best way to interact with other steemians
Yeap it's just an error. Should've waited a day before lambasting out this post lol. About 25% manual for me these days, the rest is subcommunity curation trails.. yeah it really is the best way to interact. It's just I've already exceed my own brain capacity, so far I'm beginning to forget usernames past 500-600 people..
Haha its tough being at the top sometimes, so many mouths to feed. I've been following you and your team @curie for a while, any other good curation trails that you recommend? I know @steemstem has a lot going on and lots of good info, but that one requires a lot of attention due to the high level of conversation haha
I'm only familiar with @curie and @steemstem. @ocd might be good as well. And from the chats above, looks like @abh12345 is doing something good with curation too :)
cheers buddy, have a good finish to the weekend
Well, at least your current week's SP earnings' gonna look good, so you've got that going for you which is nice...
To my mind, @Kevinwong, you are one of the more generous, and discerning curators on this platform. It only seems fair that the time and effort you put into encouraging and supporting others should be better rewarded.
Feel like a ditz or dunce (or whatever the expression is) saying this, but with my head in the clouds, I'm only just beginning to figure out how curation works. All I know, thus far, is that I was told to upvote posts by others after the 30 minute mark, and that the percentage of my self-votes are decreasing over time...
But, what "vests" mean (past sartorial elegance ;) for the life of me, I've yet to figure out! Curation does seem like a noble, almost altruistic, endeavor and perhaps that is why it's not treated as a highly remunerative activity?
Anyhow, what do I know? Frankly, I'm just happy that you're blogging more frequently, so that I can get a chance to chat with you and, through you, learn a little bit more about how this platform operates as well as the crypto-world, in general :)
Cheers, mate!
I'm barely actively curating content these days. Look into @curie, they're a curation group worth supporting! Used to be active in it but we've made it in such a way that it's merit-based and there's no special treatment for founders even. So now the newer, enthusiastic bunch of hardworking curators are getting the pay instead.
If you want more curation rewards, just vote after 30 minutes on posts that are near $0. As for me, I just vote whenever..
Vests just mean Steem Power (vested form of Steem). Curation takes time, coz people need to sift through spam to find good content. @curie is the only proper altruistic curation community on the platform https://curiesteem.com, in that it doesn't play middleman to reserve funds for founders and all that sort of nonsense. The rewards are all given to contributors (curators). And yeah, I wish more "whales" support such initiative that keeps curation on new accounts going. Nobody really wants to spend time curating when it's much easier to do selfish voting rings and stuff.
Kevin, actually, I was referring to Curie, whose activities I follow with interest. I thought I read, recently, that you were one of the co-founders
(if I’m not mistaken).
It’s thanks to their curators that I stuck around in the beginning, when the anonymity that I initially sought out proved too daunting...
I realize there are many curators hard at work, behind the scenes at Curie, and assumed you might be one of them.
Thanks, for tip re: timing of votes — I’ll go back to voting whenever 🤓
So, that’s all vests mean? Good to know! I thought it was something far more techy and mysterious 🤖🤪
Is the situation now bad? If for you it looks so bad, how else with the Steemians like us, and that is the Steemians of the most. What aspects are we still optimistic about?
Nevertheless, I remain optimistic at Steemit. I hope the situation will change for the better. Thanks so much @kevinwong.
No there was no problem. Just an error on the app. Thanks for sticking by @ayijufridar
Oh, thanks so much @kevingwong. Now there is no reason to panic.
Hi there Kevin, thought I just drop by and glad to see that this is sorted out on your end. Just want to thank you for supporting my posts, really really appreciate it tons heyy :)
It was just an error on the interface. Hate to be so calculative, but it just sucks to be somewhat altruistic and losing to selfish activities lol. No problem @jassicania - keep producing the good stuff :)
I think to be honest it is fair to be aware and to calculate the votes etc. We need people like you to help keep the system in check - because people like me get totally screwed by the numbers sometimes, plus I am so new to the system.
I also saw the comment by Maverick that you really spread your votes for posts that don't get much attention. That is admirable, and I am inspired by your goodwill.
Also, I saw that you really given me a huge, major chunk of my upvote on my latest written post and I really can't thank you enough for that. I really just want you to know that this is so much appreciated, and I am inspired to pass this forward by also supporting other posts, and etc. Thank you again!
Decentralisation is valuable for any currency, and it goes well by rewarding good content! We have initiatives like @curie that looks out for supporting newer, fresher accounts. Good to know you're having a good time here, the world feels a bit weird with this thing lol.
Oh yeah I noticed that too yesterday something happened and post rewards are curation rewards are not showing accurate but sometimes it shows the accurate version of it is totally a displayment error.
It's tough being a minnow in a sea of belugas...
How do you select the posts to curate on steemit?
If you like any post you upvote it, ignoring the rewards on that post, or does big rewards make a difference, and you don't upvote it?
Do you prefer a certain niche, or a group of people like minnows, dolphins, whales yielding to high curation rewards?
Just wanted to do a quick analysis of your curation pattern considering you have 180k sp, I hope you don't mind, do you?
Nah, I don't really care about if there's big rewards or not. I've just been voting and autovoting however i like without looking at the rewards, and it has been around 150 sp all along. so it was just disappointing to see a much lower amount doing just that. Mainly for subcommunity curation. I'd probably focus on the niches i wanna support next time.
That’s good to know.
Yeah something is NOT right @kevinwong
For the past few days I am having trouble transferring STEEM/SBD within the INTERNAL MARKET as well as to other STEEMIT ACCOUNTS from [LOW] bandwith?
I CAN'T delete or execute buy and sell due to low bandwith?
Happens recent mornings including NOW around this time and I have to wait until late afternoon...
It's very disturbing!
Have NOT had this problem before, why NOW?
Looks like they FIXED IT!
My 2nd Account is working AGAIN!
That happened to me the first time I ever tried using the internal market.
I hadn't really experienced many bandwidth issues before that moment, so I was confused as hell and thinking that perhaps bandwidth was being drained by the market interface itself lol.
I find it odd that when bandwidth becomes an issue on the blockchain it becomes a HUGE issue, and we go to maybe, say, ~1% of the bandwidth we should normally have!
Sorry to hear about the bandwidth problems, it's a known issue I think. Witnesses are unwilling to increase blocksize because there's blockchain bloat to consider..
That is some really advance level math you did there lol!
took me 4 years in uni just to do that!
I don't generally track my curation rewards, but they may be down a bit. I've delegated over half my SP to others to use, so I don't expect it to be very high anyway. I'm seeing your curation rewards for the last week at 182 SP. That seems okay. Seems a similar ratio to mine at 0.1% of what SP you have.
Yup it was an interface error it seems!
These things happen. I don't worry too much as long as something is coming in.
And I was happy few days ago when my curation reward was almost half a steem (0.400 STEEM). 36 sounds cool 150 feels unreal, since you curation reward is that big I think you are making lots of people happy by upvoting them and keeping them on the platform.
Yeah it's just the ratio. Some real good and active curators can actually achieve much better rewards with lower SP..
Wow, you did some very thoughtful and accurate calculation! 😊
I'm glad that the decrease turned out to be just an interface error and steemworld.org/@kevinwong does confirm it. Cheers!
the only time i use maths haha!
Sorry bro part of it probably has to do with voting on shit like my posts that don't have huge followup votes to help increase the return on your curation reward. Have you been seeking out smaller authors who don't have big voting trails attached? That might explain part of it, if you actively curating means you've been trying to hunt for stuff you normally wouldn't vote on versus the kind of stuff that has more guaranteed vote followings that net you the 150/week.
I really don't care about piling for big phat follow-up votes and have just been voting for whatever I want, so it has been an average of 150 Steem / week for the longest time.
Yeap, I do that whenever I have the time.
by the way, are you a bot? Why are people suspecting that you are? lol
Maybe the name. I first came across him on a comment on one of @swissclive's post. very detail and thoughtful comment that I was afraid this kind of bot might likely take over Steemit from us. Lol. Great job @charitybot
I think the name and the amount of comments I make has something to do with it.
Yeah, swissclive is always trying to help out the smallones on the site, which is nice, I remember that thread.
Thanks @lordjames, though I too am afraid of the capabilities of robo-authors and what that means for us here and elsewhere.
Did I hear...helping out smallones?
hint hint
Not sure if... asking to be added.
FREE HELP? SIGN ME UP! ( ͡☉ ͜ʖ ͡☉)
I'll be interested to see if you get an explanation. Liked the way you broke the numbers down. Resteemed as I think a lot of people would be interested in the numbers and the explanation when/if it comes.
It was just a simple error on steemit / steemkr's interface! Nothing to look at here.. lol
well honestly i didn't notice this change because my curations rewards are not much but i this the steemit dev might want less liquid steem in the market and more SBD's so that's why they might made some changes in the system, i think that why peoples getting less steem from their curations.
Ah no changes, jsut a glitch in the interface..
Yeah man, I saw the same thing last night and freaked out for a second. But checked SteemDB and all is well :D
Looks like a little bug in relaying rewards into the Steemit interface? Not sure...?
Not sure.. looks like it's fixed the moment I posted this. By the way, great work on the recent initiative man! I'm afraid my time is too stretched to get involved productively at all. Seems like you guys have it nailed down, as always :)
Where did you take the 38 Steem from? I checked your curation reward history in the steemit UI, it says 182.002 STEEM POWER.
Did you take the information from eg SteemVoter? They may present something wrong. I got a WhatsApp from another Steemian stating something similar, using SteemVoter.
Anyway, you seem to have gotten quite considerable more curation rewards then you think you got :)
EDIT: here the screenshot, just to be giving the evidence :)
Oh from Steemit / Steemkr's interface. Looks like it's fixed the moment I posted this up. I feel like a scammer haha..
Hahahaha, you scammer! LOL the blockchain was super slow just an hour or something ago, I guess someone was upgrading something. Steemd is not working, again, maybe steemd issue, or still/also a blockchain issue. We are still in beta, so we can all expect this. Wondering if we ever get out of beta? Hmmm, I should not be that critical maybe LOL
yeah steemd has been down intermittently quite often these days..
Alrighty, need 1000 more curie votes to get to that level but be warned, im on my way. 😂
But honestly, i thought you would have much more then 150 Steem a week for curation with such a big account.
Do you do manual curation or steemvote your picks?
A mix, less manual these days :) I think 150 steem/week for the account size is fair enough, anything more like 1500 steem seems unsustainable lol
Great thing is that even us minnows have an opportunity to share in the curation rewards through Curie. Really looking into joining them.
Sure, the 150 steem a week will still be unreacheable for someone that hasnt invested as much as you into the platform but its a start..
Im even thinking to tie my upvotes to larger whales but im not sure how much that could net me with such a small upvote i have.. Im doing really well atm, 4 curies in 2 months so ill hopefully reach a 100SP in a week or two.
The opportunity exists and even if it gets me 2-3 SP a month it could be worth it.
Without a doubt it is an error. It can't be like this. Further to clear doubts give a check on steemit.com or steemkr.com. Moreover good to see you supporting minnow authors.
Yup it was an error. Authors are authors, there are no minnow authors ;)
If minnows would had been the authors god bless our future. We wouldn't had lasted even for days. Thanks for they are not.
there's nothing wrong, You still get 150SP/week.
Good income !
Well, if i cash out!
congratulations you one of the millionaires ! :D
Interesting observation and if honestly I have always been interested in this question, but the statistics are always different and on what it depends I have not fully understood, it probably depends on the volume of the extracted STEEM ?! Thank you @kevinwong
There's many things at play. But don't worry, whatever i jsut complained was just an error in the interface!
I noticed that too.. I know that a have a tiny SP, but i follow a curation trail that vote massively daily, i just noticed that i don't even see any curation rewards compared to the previous months.
check now, i think it's fixed!
I’ve noticed that it’s very very slow on Steemit these days, not as it used to be.Seems like people even post less
Is it? I think people are posting more in general
So expect the unexpected do happens even in here :D
Glad it's been solve without you cracking your head and get more grey hair...
always happens. i was just disappointed since I've never really cared about curation rewards and voted however I want, only to get a worse reward. Luckily that's not the case
Yup, still need to investigate so long it's solved, else some other glitch might continue to happen.
No need to worry about your grey hair now... lol
That's a HUGEEEE difference man.... I hope you get to the source of it soon
Guess the problem's been solved before its creation.
"Just 36" per week, I wish I had it :D
But with 180k steem, ekhem... maybe it's a little too low haha, you're probably right.
Haha sorry, I was being inconsiderate. But in effect, I'm just like any user here
It’s directly related with the steem median price.
Your SBD reward is printed from reward pool (in STEEM). STEEM are converted in SBD with STEEM median price
When STEEM median price goes up, reward goes up (because SBD is more printed)
When STEEM median price goes down, reward goes down (because SBD is less printed).
I’ve created a tool to follow financial metrics.
Why it become very less?
Congratulations @Kevinwong you are really very lucky, good luck always greet me @tnoval I am proud of you, once again congratulations
I would like to be at your level to say the same.... Hahaha
It's really shocking!!!
But i wish you must be back your track.
It already you had proved.
so just do as like you did previous.
nice post
Yeah there is something wrong ....it is not possible .. with 190k steem power ...you should curate 36 steem power day...their is definitely fault ...
Is this a contest let me know, I want to follow you smile because I use translate to read your post
not a contest
It seems to me very well that you are teaching the help of others, voting for the port of quality and I really do not understand much about steemit since I am new but little by little I am learning, THANK YOU
Keep up the good work @Kelvinwong, with this there are people you have encouraged to still remain in this steemit platform. All I can say to you is thank you.
36 steem / week sounds awesome to someone at my level :) However I totally understand that someone in your shoes would feel like it is shocking :)
This is odd... I don’t have that much SP so I haven’t really noticed a difference. Does anyone have a service that calculates this for each user either as a proportion to their SP or of the total SP available? What do you think could be causing this?
I follow you. I'm also not too understand how this could happen, lately a lot of weird things happen this way. Hopefully we can immediately solve this problem @kevinwong
You should see my curation rewards... Stuck at 0 Steem! ;)
Hi @kevinwong, my account is only about 15 days old, so i don´t really realize that, but can you please keep us up to date with that problem? Thanks and have a nice weekend
4.5 Times Down,This is serious issue.Need To fond out what went wrong.
You're doing a great job. I like reading your post. It's a good idea to benefit others. take care.
I noticed this too and @tarazkp complained of this same issue on his recent post. It is crazy and I think there is a glitch in the system but we don't know exactly what it is yet. Hoping that a statement will be released to this effect real soon.
sounds weird indeed. Let us know the answer, when you find it. (I just get author rewards, since my curation makes me earn just a few SP/week, so I didn't notice it)