Speak Your Truth and Share Your Unique Point of View - A Short History of Nearly Everything - Book Club #13 - Week #2

in #steem7 years ago

Hey everyone! I just started reading "A Short History of Nearly Everything" and I'm absolutely infatuated with this book! It's really amazing and well-written - probably one of the best science books I've ever read. It breaks down large and complicated subjects in a way that is humorous, enjoyable to read, and understandable to the average person. This book is dense and jam-packed with things that I want to talk about. This first post is actually on something that I read even before the introduction chapter.

Current Book & Quotes From: A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson


Speak Your Truth and Share Your Unique Point of View

The following quote is written right before the introduction chapter. It caught my eye and immediately reminded me of Steem and also of a book I read last week called Crushing It!.

“The physicist Leo Szilard once announced to his friend Hans Bethe that he was thinking of keeping a diary:

“I don’t intend to publish. I am merely going to record the facts for the information of God.”

“Don’t you think God knows the facts?” Bethe asked.

“Yes,” said Szilard.

“He knows the facts, but He does not know this version of the facts.”

-Hans Christian von Baeyer, Taming the Atom”

What I love so much about this story is the last part "He knows the facts, but He does not know this version of the facts." It really speaks to posting on Steemit - many people are often afraid of putting their lives' and opinions' in the spotlight and sharing them in posts. They think to themselves: "why would anyone want to read what I write?"

I think that this is a terrible way of approaching blogging. You should look at it just as Szilard says - your audience may already know the subject content of what you're talking about, but they've never learned that subject from you. They've never heard your unique perspective on the matter.

So next time you consider writing a post about something and think to yourself: "why would anyone want to read what I write?" just remember that your unique perspective is what makes the post valuable, not the content that you're presenting.

Here's the Question of The Day, don't forget to post your answers in the comments!

QOTD: Have you ever questioned yourself and your posts and wondered why anyone would want to read what you've written?

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to leave your thoughts below and I look forward to seeing you in the comments!



I discovered that its better to use the conversational tone to try to discuss instead of writing your post as a set of preaching or instructions. This has greatly influenced the tone I used in my last post.I was about to go to bed before I saw this post on my feed so I decided to take a look before I close my eyes. One very thing I like about your post is the conversational tone you used in writing them and this is why sharing your own version comes in. It is from your post and @tarazkq that I had to pause for a week and question the way I put my words out there.

Thanks for always sharing your own version of whatever you have at hand at the moment.

Thanks @lordjames! Yes, I think it's extremely important to write the way you naturally want to write. A lot of people get stuck in writing because they try to form it in the way they think the audience needs to hear it - as in, rather than write for the audience, write for yourself and let the right audience come to you. When you write like this, people will flock to your posts because they can feel the authenticity behind the words you're putting on the page.

This is so funny, as I just posted something which brings up the very principle behind what you are saying, that being the value you place on the efforts and thoughts you place in your own posts.@khaleelkazi

I certainly have started questioning if anything I have to say is of any value, (not being negative) just wondered about that, but at the same time.

I am not hung up on the reward placed on something I post, rather that I have a platform to express ideas freely, But as I said in my post, it still is nice to get a good response, and a reward is certainly a welcome bonus, lol

stay blessed.

Hey @michaeljn! I just read you post and answered your questions on there, I hope that it sheds some light on those topics, let me know if you have any more questions!

I totally understand the feelings in terms of rewards, I actually started posting back around August, but got discouraged that I wasn't getting any rewards, so I quit. But then I returned to Steemit around November and decided to put some money where my mouth was and I got some delegations and I also bought Steem Power, which has greatly increased my level of rewards here. I think it's really important to also post consistently and post great content.

Just read it, thank you again for taking the time out to reply, much appreciated :-) Have some more information to help improve my efforts. you a star.

“He knows the facts, but He does not know this version of the facts.”

Strong quote right there!!! I thought a lot about beggining a blog before i joined steemit, but i always ended up in the same conclusion " "why would anyone want to read what I write?" i couldn't have been more wrong, not only do people enjoy the read but they like to tell their own opinions too, this is why i love to be on steemit.

QOTD: Have you ever questioned yourself and your posts and wondered why anyone would want to read what you've written?

Most of my posts are about science so i can understand people wanting to read them, and i can understand people reading your posts about flipping houses and the stock market, because most people want to do something like you are doing, they don't do it because they are afraid, and seeing you doing it is enough joy for them.

PS- have you finished the alchemist, or are you reading both at the same time?

I love steemit for the exact same reason! People love to learn and read and they also love to interact with posts and leave their thoughts!

Exactly! People have different reasons for reading different posts, and I think each of us has a really unique perspective and spin on different topics that can bring a lot of value to the world.

I finished the alchemist 2 or 3 days ago, it was a great read! I talked a little about reading multiple books in my comment here to Koldy - I usually read 2 books at the same time - I was reading the musk biography while reading the alchemist and I’m almost done with that biography but I’ve also started A Short Story of nearly everything. I won’t ever start more than 3 books at the same time as I find it too distracting.

musk biography

Did you like it? I've been meaning to buy it, one of my followers told me about it and i'm a huge Elon Musk fanboy/nerdboy!!!

Thank you for introducing this new book @khaleelkazi. I came to your blog 3 months ago because I liked what you said about Gary. I stayed because you are @khaleelkazi. What you write rubs off on me.

Now I finished reading the Alchemist. Thanks for showing us Bill Bryson. You are right to move to a new book. I like the quote you chose from Hans Christian von Bayer:

“He knows the facts, but He does not know this version of the facts.”

This is really classic and you connected it directly to blogging. Why wouldn't anyone want to read this?

Yes... sometimes I wish people would just miss that last post even though it took hours. I'm embarrassed that I can't fix the code or it doesn't sound just right. I am my worst critic. I have a hard time to just post anything. I want it to quality and easy to read.

Sometimes I promote my posts and other times I would rather hide them. But each post has a message that honestly shows something about me. I think you will love the last post I made because it is not only about me but it is about you.

Haha, thanks @mineopoly! I appreciate your kind words as always and I love to hear that these posts add some value to your life!

How'd you like it? I finished it a few days ago and absolutely loved it. It's packed with great anecdotes and an inspirational story about the quest for our personal legends. I think it's an essential read for everyone.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experience, I know there are a lot of other steemians out there who feel the same way about their posts, because I also get the same feelings when I post. Today even provides a great example - I went over to the Brunner house and took a short video to use as a Vlog. I already edited it and it's ready to upload, but I feel very self-conscious about it. It's strange to see myself on video, but I need to get over that irrational self-doubt, because the future is video and video is a much better way of showing all of you how the projects look and what I do on a day-to-day basis.

I've committed to making this short 1-2 minute vlog as a sort of test-run in order to see how people respond to it. I'm going to post it tomorrow (I have made a promise and I will keep it!) hopefully I won't embarrass myself too much!

I will also check out that post right now!

Congratulations @khaleelkazi. You got me to read a book that I haven't thought about for twenty years. The Alchemist is surprisingly well written and short. There are some really good lines about sharing dreams and overcoming the naysayers and just keep digging but these words touched me:

The boy turned to the hand that wrote all. As he did so, he sensed that the universe had fallen silent, and he decided not to speak.

A current of love rushed from his heart, and the boy began to pray. It was a prayer that he had never said before, because it was a prayer without words or pleas. His prayer didn’t give thanks for his sheep having found new pastures; it didn’t ask that the boy be able to sell more crystal; and it didn’t beseech that the woman he had met continue to await his return. In the silence, the boy understood that the desert, the wind, and the sun were also trying to understand the signs written by the hand, and were seeking to follow their paths, and to understand what had been written on a single emerald.

It is a paradigm shift in the boy. His prayer was not get something for himself but his prayer was simply listening and understanding.

Don't worry a lot about the Vlog. Short video is the best. You don't need to edit much. I like papa-pepper's Vlog as it gets to the point and he updates regularly. It is by no means perfect but simple and fun. Really one minute is plenty and two minutes is bonus.

About the embarrassing yourself that can be fun too. I'm not ready to show my face on camera here for a long time so you are way ahead of me on this. I'm sure anything you share will be cool. I'm really proud of you and wish you peace.

Constantly reading new books, do you read multiple books at a time?

Hey @koldy! I do read a lot and yes I read multiple books at the same time. I limit myself to 3 max at any given time. If I have more than 3 going, then I get too easily distracted and caught up with the decision of which one I should read at any given time.

I typically try to only read 2 at a time, and they’ll be on very seperate topics. For example - I’ve been reading the elon musk biography while also reading The Alchemist (which I just finished a few days ago) and now I’m almost done with the biography but I started A Short Story of Everything yesterday. Once I finish the Musk biography, I have Steve Jobs (by Isaacson) up next.

I'm trying to start reading multiple books at a time, I just get caught up in one usually. Glad you have the next couple of books picked out already. Looking forward to reading about them.

Yeah I think it's all about finding what works for you. If you prefer to zoom through 1 book at a time, then that may be the best way for you to read! I found that I get a little bored if I read only 1 book, so having 2 gives me an option each time I read - I can either read about X or Y today, and that's a great feeling for me, it works really well.

QOTD: Have you ever questioned yourself and your posts and wondered why anyone would want to read what you've written?

Sometimes I really feel like posting here is a waste of time. I just write down what is going on. Now I got tired of doing that so I did a photo challenge. I'm not a good writer but I can take a picture. I think it will be a couple years before I can do good posts that people will like reading but until then I will post what I can. I have a hard time to keep up every day but I'm always happy to hear your story. When I read your blog I want to be like this in 7 years. I think it is real cool.

I feel the same way about posting and also really enjoy reading your posts that truly inspire me.

excellent your post..i will done upvote and resteem..

Thanks! What did you like most about the post?

I loved your ideas of speaking your truth and creating with the goal of pleasing yourself rather than an audience!

Sound like a great book i think i will get a copy

It's a fantastic book so far! I highly recommend it! Let me know what you think!

I’ll get a copy and let you know!

Agreed! I really want to read that book now.

hi you view my account- and help me steemit account

“He knows the facts, but He does not know this version of the facts.”

Ha, I love it! This is why I believe everyone should create.

Totally agree @samuel-swinton! Everyone has the right to create!

100% everyone can and should create what they love!

awesome & impressed!

terrific & exuberant!

good post my best friend

I belive people know they're unique but Expressing that will be the hardest challenge. This generation is terrified of being judged.

I am grateful to have found my friend in steemit who wrote about the book, hobbi I read, I am friends with you, may we support each other.

QOTD: Have you ever questioned yourself and your posts and wondered why anyone would want to read what you've written?

Almost all the time of which I knew would happen especially in any new endeavour. But keep on producing content and write your heart out is what I often tell my friends that I got onboard on the Steemit express which I also take encouragement for myself to follow suit as well.

well post keep it up ....... thanks for shareing