Media Update on Justin Sun vs STEEM - Binance to Power Down!

in #steem5 years ago

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CoinTelegraph Ownage

The biggest (?) crypto portal with news made another article and a tweet really showing what they think.

CZ Joins the Cointelegraph opinion with some answers.

Copy paste of the questions and answers for reference and archive

You and Justin Sun seem to often come up in the same stories and narratives. Some of that is because you’re both founders at two of the most important projects in the crypto space, but there seems to be more to it. You and Chris Larsen don’t seem to share the same orbit, or you and Dan Larimer, or Jed McCaleb…So could you describe your relationship with Justin? Tell me about a couple of times you’ve spent time together.
CZ: Our relationship with Justin Sun is the same as with any other project listed on Binance. There are no equity holdings or investments of any kind between us. In fact, there are many other projects in the space that we have invested in. With Justin/Tron, we have no interest alignment. I didn’t really know Justin until he started Tron, and have only met him a couple times at events after that. We have only talked business, and haven’t really “hanged out” in any way. So, I wouldn’t even say I have much of a personal relationship with him outside of work.
How do your views on building a community differ from what you know, or understand, of his views?
CZ: I can’t comment on other people’s views, especially my perception of their views. For us, we generally try to push the entire space forward. Even though we have our own coin BNB, we often push other coins. We push BTC, ETH, ADA, XRP, LTC, TRX, and the list going on, also including stable coins. We don’t take sides in other people’s debates, be it big blocks vs small blocks, different smart contract designs, etc. We let the users decide. We are just here to provide choices. This may be different from some of the blockchain development projects where they obviously think their own chain is the best in the world. We can understand that, but we take a more neutral stance on things.
In the past, Justin very publicly supported ideas you’ve suggested, but perhaps reconsidered – such as donating money to an “anti-FUD” campaign. What’s your take on that subject today, now that things have cooled down, and how did you feel about his offer to help?
CZ: We always appreciate help when others offer it. Justin has been supportive in many of our initiatives, including a $3m USD equivalent donation to Binance Charity Foundation in its early days, often organizing trading events on our exchange, etc. He is very active in participating in these initiatives, just as many other projects do too, which we always welcome.
How did the subject of the Steem “upgrade” first come to your attention – and how was it presented?
CZ: Justin didn’t talk to me about it actually. My internal team said it was a necessary network upgrade, so I said go ahead. There are network upgrades all the time, and we are always supportive. So that was that.
What did you understand that Justin’s intentions were, and do you feel that he represented them accurately to you? Now that it's happened, what do you think he intended to achieve?
CZ: it’s not my job to guess or judge his intentions. Humans are generally bad at guessing other people’s intentions. What we care about is, if it is not a unanimous network upgrade, then we don’t want to use our users funds to participate in a vote. So as soon as we got the feedback, on Twitter no less, we immediately withdrew the vote.
How do you feel about the way the community – and even developers and staff – at Steem have reacted to the “takeover”? Do you think they were justified?
CZ: again, it is not my job to judge if their actions are justified or not. Our principle is to always respect users' rights. We were notified of an operational oversight, and we corrected it as fast as we could. The rest of their reactions are between them and I guess whoever they are debating with. Justin did mention there were some funds that were potentially frozen by what he called hackers or other nodes, IF that was the case, then that’s bad. Network nodes should never collude to freeze other people’s funds. That goes against the basic ethos of decentralized networks and blockchain. Doing that will destroy the network value significantly.
How would you describe the way this incident has affected your relationship with Justin Sun?
CZ: not much, other than the next “upgrade” he (or anyone asks), we will have a bit more due diligence done, and a few more questions asked. Lol
Without asking you to comment on his business, how would you describe Justin’s personal influence on the crypto industry in general?
CZ: I think he has done a lot. He is very strong on marketing, and is able to bring attention to TRON and the crypto market in general through many events, like the Buffet dinner, etc. These are things that help the crypto industry and are not done by other projects.
Moving forward, how will you be working with him, if at all?
CZ: It doesn’t change our professional relationship that much. He has always been causing waves for one thing or another, but that’s his thing. Anyone having issues with him should take it up with him. We are always neutral.
If you had to offer some advice to Justin, what would you say? What do you think he would say to you?
CZ: I told him already directly, explain what you are trying to do to the community and get support first, then do it. Transparency works.

The tweet is here if you want to add something:

Plenty STEEM members there already.

CZ of Binance Speaks about STEEM again

Finally confirms the account will power down.

Justin Sun Adds His Stuff

Lets see where this goes but looks like only Huobi is still not responding.


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