steem needs more application built on top of it...the more applications, the more the servers, the bigger the market cap...
steem can go down to a few cents in a long enough bear you can see, steem dpends on the general market and not on its own market...
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No, dapps is not the problem. It's the lack of users. There's plenty of dapps here that run circles around Steemit itself.
esteem,, steepshot, etc.. are nothing but "replicas" of the same account with different features .. I am talking about adding new servers, physical ones, real ones that expand the blockchain...this will potentially lower the price of steem but on the long run it will have more users, we are now stuck on a certain amount of users and the more users sign up the less reward everybody will get...unless, again, someone invests in adding new servers, menining new ram, new RCs and all that good stuff
In a simple example: let's say that all 300 Millions steems or so are held under one account, then that account can produce a vote at 100% of about $ 442.96 , multiply that by around 10 times and you will have a potential of $ 4,429.6 daily revenue that will bring your steem power at 80% just in time to reload for the next day...
So in a year you will have roughly 1.5M new steem on top of those initial 300M...
That is 0.5% growth per year...that is not good business!
I say at least a few tens of millions of dollars of growth per year is needed to get things rolling and that means having a plateau of at least 3 Billions dollars which can be possible in the next bull run a couple of years from now
Or...If you want to be the next facebook or Amazon you need to invest in hardware..but since that is way costly I say wait till the new bull run ..
oh yea I forgot...users leave because the rewards are very small and consider it a waste of time, justly again if you want people to come in by the millions you need to invest in hardware by the millions...
people leave steemit because it is already "crowded"...