One of the biggest dangers lurking in the beginning of the freelancing is the sitting. I know what you think - "yes, yes, I'm wondering how to find a new client and where to get money for the rent, she's talking about sitting up - it's my problem for me." And so I thought!
Do not underestimate The Lap of Movement!
Before I started working at home, I walked to the office and back - that's 5-7 km a day, every day from Monday to Friday. If I go out with friends after work and / or go out to nature at the weekend - more.
Immediately before my freelancing began, I spent one summer in Greece as a "boy for all" in a hotel. You can imagine what kind of movement we are talking about...
In other words, I was in a fairly good shape as I started working from home.
I started freelancing my career in the autumn - it was rain, then it was winter and it was cold, I had no place to go, and there was no money left, and I was mostly at home.
In less than 2 months, I only gained 5 pounds from not moving enough.
Who would have thought that going to work and vice versa I would miss???
I did not think about it at all - I had so much more important things to think about - how to find money for rent, how to win my next project, what a price to apply - you know, important things.
Today, 5 years later, I'm moving much more, I'm eating much better, but I do not know by age, what - those empty 5 pounds I've uploaded for the last 2 months, I can not take them anymore.
So - no matter how much work you have, what are the concerns of a beginning or established freelancer, grab your hat and go out at least once a day.
Walk the dog, run with the kid, ride your bike or just walk to the center or the other end of the city on foot, so - no purpose. You will be grateful in time that you have not flocked home all day long.
And if you still do not feel motivated enough to move a bit immediately and every day, see this infographics which awesome causes your body to over-sit!