BY: Kory Watkins
I have been on Steem for awhile now but just not as active as I would like. That is going to change now that I am at my new house and my new location, Spring, Texas.
I was out in the Texas Freedom Grounds but that idea was lost. Divorce and not many people understand the responsibility that comes with freedom. It became Texas Free Loaders Government Welfare Grounds. A lot of people moved out there thinking it was a party. I still own two houses in that area and always will.
The real reason I left was divorce. I was tired of being in mental slavery to a habitual liar, child neglect who is an alcoholic. My life has been crazy the last 8 months with all sorts of drama that I am so glad to GET RID of.
I now am free from all that toxic waste, I am living with my kids in Spring, with many beautiful things to look forward to. I met a wonderful lady that is divorced with two kids as well, we have much in common, and are looking forward to raising our kids and enjoying life together.
I also recently found a hard love for the roots reggae music! Here are some of my favorite.
Tribal Seeds
Stick Figure
The Green
Arise Roots
Collective Thought
Iya Terra
Kings of Comrades
Kindebudz and more!
Don't worry, I am still working on Free The Weed In Texas
If you follow this feed, in the future, you will be getting updates on all my love for music, art, photography, activism and more!
I need some more people to follow, please comment and I will follow.
Thanks for taking the time to read!