Once You Get Paid to Do Something, You Don't Really Want to Go Back to Doing it for Free

in #steem7 years ago

Getting rewarded for doing something feel good. We are highly driven by the reward center of our brain and psychology. Taking away a reward feels not-so-good. The reward is a positive reinforcement, while the removal of reward is a negative reinforcement. A reward is like pleasure and the removal of it is like pain. We're motivated to keep doing something when it's a positive. We even increase our performance of doing it.

Source: Hloom Templates/flickr, CC BY 2.0

On Steem, it might be the first time many of us have gotten paid for doing certain things. I, for one, used to write text, do infographics and audio/video for free on my site. It wasn't a daily effort, and I wasn't rewarded in any monetary way either. But now that I'm on Steem, there is a daily effort to put something out there and to get rewarded.

For others, I assume they or you didn't used to write as much, or draw as much, or do whatever as much. I bet you didn't post as much either. But that has changed with being on Steem. We're being rewarded, and that keeps us doing something, and doing more of it.

Source: pxhere

Contrary to before where we were doing something and not getting rewarded, now we might be getting rewarded with upvotes and STEEM. This makes us feel good. We are receiving a positive reinforcement to keep doing what we do. Before, we did it for the sake of doing something we presumably enjoyed. Now, we still have that drive, but it's probably to a lesser degree for many of us. Now, we are motivated to put out content because we are getting rewarded for it.

Now that we do or can get rewarded for doing something, would we go back to doing it for free? Would we still be on Steem if there were no more rewards tomorrow? Likely, many of us still would be. But I doubt many of us would be posting as frequently as we are.

Without the allure of being rewarded for our content or work, we wouldn't be as invested and motivated to keep doing the same thing; to keep putting in the same amount of time, energy, effort, dedication, determination and persistence to keep putting out content. We persevere in doing it because it's a pleasure in the reward center of our brain, be it for money or other rewards.

Source: wikimedia

Being rewarded with money is a part of positive reinforcement to keep doing what we do. It's a pleasure that we would notice being without. Once we stop getting paid to do something we get used to being paid to do, we don't enjoy it as much and we won't want to simply go back to doing it for free.

All that time, energy and work can be spent elsewhere, in other areas of our life, where we are also not getting paid. The things we do would get a more of a even evaluation, and we would choose to spend time doing things. Possibly things that would have other rewards, intrinsic rewards for doing them in themselves, rather than even having a monetary reward component to them at all.

There is still a reward and positive reinforcement from attention and interaction on Steem that would keep us on Steem. But we would be much less drawn to or "addicted" to it if the positive reinforcement and pleasure derived from making money was absent.

What do you think? Would you still be here if there was no money? Would you still be posting as much? Would you find other things to do instead?

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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The ability to earn for writing content is what brought me here in the first place. But as anyone who has been a member for more than a couple of months will attest, your first couple of months are spent writing into a proverbial black abyss. Your early content will make no money at all, if you're lucky maybe a few cents.

What motivated me in the beginning was the promise of profit and building an audience. Steem isn't for everyone, it's definitely not a get rich quick scheme, it's an exercise in patience. I go through the motions of wanting to give up and then I get a @curie or @utopian-io vote and my faith is restored once again.

Still at the end of the day, Steemit will never be profitable for me considering my hourly development rate for freelance work is $100 and I can easily spend hours writing a Steemit post, but what keeps me around is the ability to write about whatever I want and earn a little bit of money.

Yup, there's always potential to earn for the content you put out, it's attractive ;) Without that, the "community" would be much smaller ;)

You only have to see the amount of texts that are published in Steemit when the SBD was worth more than $ 10 and the amount of texts that are written now, to give you the reason. Almost everything in society is a game of incentives, if you are rewarded for doing something once, you will want a reward every time you do it. Therefore, when lowering the value of SBD, many people became discouraged and lowered their production of texts, since the reward for publishing had also fallen.

Of course, this does not apply to all people, because there are people who have other incentives that are not money income, however, the rule continues to apply, instead of money the reward for these people can be anything else.

Yup, it shows when the price drops, ppl drop from the platform like flies too :P

Excellent post, sir!

I came to steemit because of the possibility to earn writing.

In an ideal world, it is something I would have pursued in another life, and steemit offered me the prospect to investigate that avenue.
One I never had before.

The cemetery like energy on steemit at the moment, does change your input style I find - but not necessarily in a negative way.

I find myself looking at avenues of writing (my fictional stuff, fun stuff for example) rather than writing to churn out posts...

It's almost like taking a step back, and giving you the chance to reevaluate..

I'm staying the distance with steemit...and that's never changed since I joined.
Commitment is good.

Hehe, the "cemetery", indeed, when the price drops, so do ppl :P

Commitment is good, but ti can wane, especially when mistreatment occurs. How would you feel about sticking around if I flagged all your posts? :P It's happened to me ;)

I've only had one flagging war- and not with someone who could hurt me really...so I'm not sure, tbh..

...why did you get attacked? ( I haven't seen anything you've written that could incite that reaction - ....except supporting free speech attacking censorship re - and Alex Jones on your other feed! lmao.)

If I stopped getting paid for what I did, I wouldn't drop it all instantly. But it depends.

If it's something that I don't enjoy doing, then I'll drop it instantly. No problem.
But if it's something that I absolutely love doing and am appreciated for and known for, then I would do it no matter what. Maybe I'll slow down at first, but I won't drop it altogether.

Yup, personal interest in doing something also factors in heavily for doing it when there is no money involved ;)

money may be part of thee lure. I find a bigger lure for me is the desire to keep upping my reputation score. Finally the opportunity to use my creative brain in writing is a large perk. thanks @krnel

Hehe, that was a big drive of min before I was getting flagged by BS. I really liked my rep going up :P

I don't think so that I would still be here if there is no reward for my little effort. Everyone gives his time energy to steemit for gaining a little or more for themselves. and I think this is the best connection between steemit and the users which keeps us motivated. It reminds us that our effort is not gonna be wasted.
Thanks you!

Yup, money is main reason. Facebook is easy compared to work and time to put into steem

No doubt, the financial award is motivating. We can say, that we are doing it cause we like it, and this is true, but the financial aspect is pulling are to do more and more. I try do stick to topics and things that I like and that is that :)

The pull is strong ;)

I would still research and share my content because that's what I do but I wouldn't post as often. The community here on Steemit is different than other platforms too. It's full of very insightful bright people. I think that keeps me here too. I learn so much from everyone.

Yup, there is a lot of good sharing of info and learning :)

Steemit is the best of both worlds . . .

Doing what I truly love doing


Getting paid for it

Yup, win win ;)

Well, I guess it's exactly the same as what happens in the monkey experiment, but the other way around.

Positive and negative reinforcement.

Yup, we're being led by our unconscious motivations all the time :/

Would you still be here if there was no money?


Would you still be posting as much?

No. But I'd still be posting and commenting and resteeming will be the same if not more.

Would you find other things to do instead?

I already have too many things to do. And I've also got to make a living.

Fair enough ;) We've all got other things to do, but with less Steem time invested, means we can put time into other things.

Or when STEEM goes up big, we can put more time into STEEM. It's pretty much the free market in action. I do see enough potential for STEEM to hit $100 and hopefully it'll get their. So I'm sticking around for the long run.

There are a handful of people like you that stay at the same level, but most of us are weaker!

And I think the posts now are a pale comparison of what they were 6 months ago

Personally, If I was getting up to $100 for my longer posts 6 months ago, but now I don't have a shit show of getting over $20 - two things happen.

One - I do shorter posts

Two - I set up a second account were I don't feel I have to stick to the unwritten rule of not using bidbots - and then I do my longer posts on that account and not feel so spanked :)



I would not post often is you remove the economic reward from the equation.

Hey very true and great article!

I am upvoting it!!

Please also welcome Lestat and CICADA 3301 to the Steemit community everyone!




CICADA 3301 - Lestat Exposes Fake Q & Defends Q SOURCE X!!


