Steem voting needs to change then, to allow no time limit, not 24h, not 30d max. People can judge answers for all time, not just 24h or 30d.
This requires payouts to change as well.
And also comments need to change. You can't provide another answer after some time, as comments are disabled.
Otherwise, in terms of knowledge and answers, valuing answers, I would not use a system that limits to 24h or 30d for recognizing knolwedge about a question.
But great site! Way to go!
here and here, hope we will reach some consensus on are right @krnel... Some discussion is going on
So am I understanding this correctly: anyone can build an app or site that integrates with the steem blockchain and pays out steem to users of that new app, based on various rules regarding creating, voting, commenting etc.? (I realize this is probably a pretty dumb question!)
I think it would be much easier and better to build the integration without the upvote and reward like steemit, and instead users should deposit steem or sbd to pay for the answer to their question
Yes, ultimately, you will be paying out to users of Steem (the blockchain). Checkout for the projects.
Interesting thoughts. Continue brainstorming.