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RE: Steemit Inc. Powerdown Due to Fears of Having Accounts/Stake Stolen in Future HardFork

in #steem6 years ago

Yes, look at community "leader" and witness kevinwong with his dupe account etherpunk to take in $30-$60 per day from 4-6 shitposts each day. Great way to lead by example and make Steem a success, eh?

Steem is infected with greed, just like the regular world. It's a scamma's paradise as I wrote about. Many old timer big accounts now, are involved in shady scammy shit.


Interestingly enough I've learned quite a bot, I mean bit from Kevin Wong and do believe his intentions are to not just make a bit of loot but also raise awareness as to the absurdity of this system which rewards the shitposters with the means to exploit it.

If I were on the outside of the top witnesses forever looking in and had zero confidence in their integrity I'd probably be doing the same TBH..

By not talking the money from the rewards pool it's just going to go to some other schmuck out there. At least he isn't making propagana posts like therealwolf and telling us all whatever is rainbows and unicorns whilst being the creator of smartsteem and facilitating this nonsense directly while making a great living and kissing every ass on his way to the top..

But, because he is sooo dreamy and perfect he can do no wrong. I'd rather my spammers admit to their shenanigans than play politrix and use every God damn opportunity to self promote..

A scammers paradise indeed, but one has to pick their poison and I choose to have more respect for honesty, and actual good ideas as to how to curb this train wreck. Also those top dawgs are so politically motivated they won't even really reply to my accusations or opinions as theyre fearful whereas kwong will give feedback and explanations that aren't grounded in a desperate need to be in the inner circle jerk..

At least full-time geek left the party, that made me smile, he was another savior nobody asked for. I got caught in the crossfire of the flagwars as an innocent newb an that my friends is how you birth blockchain terrorists and revolutionaries that give zero forks and support anything that might lead to radical change that destroys the elite circle jerks..

To show rape and murder is bad, let's just rape and murder. Brilliant. Now, if only we got paid to rape and murder, well even better to "show" how bad it is while making some money. Great plan to lead by example and expose the problem. Oh wait, being silent about the issue yet engaging in it will not do a damn thing about it. Fail.

Why don't I just scam the system and buy votes too. That will make Steem better. "If I don't do it, someone else will". Great mentality there. I'll just go make 10 dupe accounts and give all my votes there and buy vote son each one. Winning. I'm doing a service by "showing" the problem, eh?

Well that's what you get when you buy into a shithole ponzi scheme destined for failure...

Look I get everyone is butt hurt but as for myself I have no attachments to this place and idgaf what people do here, it's called entertainment if you thought this place offered more than that then I can't offer anything nice to say.

Stick a fork in it, it's done it's possibly the dumbest idea in the history of the internet to participate in anarcho pseudo democratic capitalism.

Reddit monetized, and controlled by a handful of people, yes that sounds good.

But all the crypto nutters bought it hook line and sinker because they were attracted to getting paid for doing what billions do for free everyday.

Oh yes and changing the world. How's that going again?

So, forget about using it in a better way, maybe making something beneficial come from it, just join in the exploitation scams and crash the bitch? ...

My benefit is to play catch up in the 21st century in regards to blockchain, and technology in general. I'm not a wealthy man so I have nothing to offer this place except my perspective. If the platform has use cases that are beneficial and lend themselves towards symbiosis and leveling the economic playing field that is global politics it will survive beyond my current negative opinions.

If it can build relationships that extend beyond a screen and some numbers that dictate how powerful or persuasive one is it will in time.

I think everyone here needs to take a step back and realise Rome wasn't built in a day. What is being attempted here is in its infancy and there will surely be crashing and burning.

If there are those truly believe in this potential then they will not be shaken by failure and will focus on rebuilding.

That will also take capital though, so it seems that while I don't philosophically agree with how many choose to participate here they might have higher aspirations and a bigger picture in mind.

Comparing stealing from a rewards pool of bullshit currency with little to no real world applications or evaluations in contrast to Wall Street and the banksters to rape and murder is preposterous.

Two people on earth have more combined wealth than the entirety of crypto so enjoy the ride it's going to get way more bumpy.

Maybe I'm just training the adept for the resistance they will face out there in the real world? That's also beneficial as is my honesty and decidedly blunt approach.. Destruction is not separate from creation. Om namah Shivaya Transcend the FUD and know there will be more obstinate pricks than myself tearing this vision down that will in fact be nefarious whereas I'm just here for the attention 😁

Lol getting quite poetic and inspired in your dark rhetoric @scramatters. I appreaciate your honesty and frankness. We crypto lovers probably came to steemit because we are so convinved by crypto that we think any use thereof or any blockchain platform like this one will be fantastic. Satoshi made such a revolutionary product and nobody has hacked it yet, so we naively think it's always going to be safe. But there will always be the weakness of human nature that is easily corruptible. So even a grand ideal like steemit for example, appears to be crumbling due to the human frailty. Just because it's crypto or blockchain doesn't mean it's going to be perfect by the looks of it. Satoshi built a bulletproof or foolproof system... I hope... but this steem alternative is not as robust in the hands of the foolish and weak minded humans that use it or specifically that run it.
It's not decentralised, it encourages poor quality content or fake bots and profiles for the sake of scamming the system. Surely the witnesses are witnessing this decay. with bitcoin the hackers and scammers may be there but it seems that bitcoin is anti-fragile. it cannot be broken. Steemit on the other hand - like numerous other blockchains - is not bitcoin protocol and has fallen short of the high standard set by Satoshi. Hopefully future generations will learn from ours. This is indeed still the early days of the revolution in tech and commerce and even social dynamics in a highly digitised cyber world on the blockchain.