Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Greetings! Thank you for checking out my blog.
So yeah, I woke up and saw this question, let me tell you what I also think.
So, which one do you think is better? I know you might be thinking that it would be awesome if both of them can give you an advice. I agree to you then if that's what you think but the question asks WHICH IS BETTER.
So let's just make this quick...
Most of the time, successful people became who they are now because of their failure. They used it as a guide, they used it to become a better person. They used it so they would not do the same mistakes again and have a better idea and solution. To achieve his dreams. They picked themselves up and continued their journey. From failure to success.

Those people who did not picked themselves up when they failed and quit, of course would likely fail.
My opinion is, it is better for you to learn from successful people. Not only they experienced being successful, they also experienced being a failure.
I only answered the question "WHICH IS BETTER", but I think it would also help if you can get an advice for those who failed at the same time.