Steem is still very undervalued based on my opinion. I had been monitoring the traffic ranking of and it has been rising since I started monitoring a month ago. Last month is ranked 2000ish. As of this post is ranked 1487 in terms of global ranking.
I see a very bright future of Steemit and encourage my friends to join and power up. If you have some spare cash, buy some steem and power up. You will be happier in the long run.
Definitely I will! What a great information passed out here, everyone need to power up Steem.
I will do so ASAP!
Tnx for this info.... Happy money making as you Steem!
I was thinking of investing in steem... But now I'm preatty sure about it! Thanks!
I totally agree, I think Steem has a long way to go and will be extremely valuable
Buy steem for power up !I'm agree with you @lawrenceho84.
indeed i also believe that steemit has been undervalued , and its a good time for uncle sam go to work
steem to the moon. am holding this position for a long while
I also bought some more today at around 7 CAD, and it broke my heart because the last time I bought some it was .12 and $1.00 CAD. Still, it looks like we are going places with it.
actually i'm loking for but i'm still in the biginning hopefully waiting for the bright future for steemit
Being new here, I tried to buy some coins but do they not take debit cards....or must we buy bitcoin first through our bank and then convert bitcoin into steem? TIA