For example author payout is 10$.
Goal is to give you a payout of 50% SBD and 50% SP.
So you get 5$ worth in SBD and 5$ worth in SP.
Or: 5 SBD and 5$/ 3$perSP = 1,66SP.
Or for absolute amounts 75% in SBD and 25% in SP.
A year back you would get 1 SBD and 5 steem(power), when the price was at 20cents.
No, it's not. Goal is to give 75% SBD and 25% SP. That's the whole reason witnesses are adjusting their price feeds. To print more SBD.
Nope. You get 75% of the entire value of your reward in SBD and the rest in SP. Please have a look at your own rewards to see how this plays out.
Then why can I choose between 100% SP and 50/50???
The UI isn't updated in real time with the rewards ratio generated by the price feed bias, so it's stuck at 50/50. Probably they thought it wouldn't happen that often or to such an extent.
Means my math was right but the basis it is placed on is shown wrong. :P
Thats too bad. It should really show what you get.
Yeah, you're not the only one thinking like that.
It always splits by 50/50 based on steem code below.based on my research, what @lennstar said is correct.
auto sbd_steem = ( author_tokens * comment.percent_steem_dollars ) / ( 2 * STEEMIT_100_PERCENT ) ;
it's maximum 50% when
is 100%.I couldn't find the place where the portion of SBD is adjusted by the bias.
What is your source that made you think bias adjusts payout ratio?
I wonder if i am missing something.