And as a result - people are able to trust that this
smart-contract actually does what it promises.
-- @therealwolf
Sorry, what about the famous maker-DAO problem that prompted a fork on Ethereum?
Your logic about not being able to find the custom jsons are flawed. According to you, they may not be indexed by the RPC nodes but they are still a blockchain. When a crypto-wallet like Litecoin-Core or Bitcoin-Core updates the balance, it doesn't query a balance from the other nodes. It monitors operations involving addresses or public keys and updates if there is a transaction. This is pretty much what wallet software has to do.
In Steem it is even easier because of the public RPC nodes everywhere. A light client could use public RPC nodes to call get_account_history in order to maintain state.
The rules has to be enforced by a third party. I was wondering which smart contract platform they were using. I didn't imagine they would use Steem. You might be able to drive a nail with a screwdriver but it is not the right tool, and making the screwdriver's handle heavier is not the solution.
I guess I should have been more precise: "And as a result - people are able to trust that this
smart-contract in a state without bugs actually does what it promises."
get_account_history fetches up to 10000 objects. Let's imagine there are 1 million accounts on a game - this is not a scalable way.
I think I will be able to do something like this.