I sold out to Smartsteem. I lost faith in Steemit months ago and it's only gotten worse. Like most people that join, they put up good content for weeks, or months on end, and nobody notices. Whales vote for whales, or just pay bots. Berniesanders asked people how their weekend was, and upvotes it to $300!! Are you f**king kidding me. Its an insult and he is doing to prove how shit this system is.
However, most people that come, write great content and realize how BS steemit is, leave before they invest to much money.
Thanks for your comment bud btw
I suppose the intrinsic expectation was not satisfied by the false promises that steemit boasted. I understand your frustration...it has taken me a year to finally start making anything from my instructional videos and blogs, but persistence will win out. Try not to expect too much and then you will not be disappointed.
It's an interesting stuff bro. Let me put that straight: If you want to get money out of your Steem, only 2 ways:
How to invest on Steemit:
If you want to earn money, dont go against the whales, go with them. I learned it a hard way in other financial markets.