Posts having an expiration date. Currently payouts are at 24Hr and 1Month. Why not add payouts each year as well?
The main reason is this:
@theoreticalbts commented 17 days ago
Anything related to payouts is consensus, so post objects have to be kept in memory as long as they could potentially be upvoted and paid out. The reason for the 30-day window is to allow old posts to be archived -- get them out of the database. Our memory usage is already getting uncomfortably large; requiring everyone to keep everything back to the beginning of time will be counterproductive.
But the good news is that probably @xeroc had a nice idea to overcome this problem and open the doors to older posts to get paid also !!!
From what I understand, the main motivation of limiting payouts to 30 days (max) is because those posts need to be kept in memory due to being part of consensus. Having an unlimited time would cause high memory requirements for full-nodes.
How about we re-introduce maintenance interval? What were the reasons to remove them to begin with?
With a maintenance interval (say every 4 weeks)
- We could still reward posts after several months
- We could allow nested comments with more than 6 levels (by saying that the recursion of depth 6 is considered in real-time, while the rest is considered only in the maintenance interval)
I am probably missing something but I felt the need to clarify that.
Thanks for the reply lion. Perhaps we could just keep 5 of our posts that we could feature as part of a profile page? I guess it's a pretty massive amount of info to keep to the chain. What happens to our archived posts?