Sure, n^2/(n+1) seems sensible although im indifferent towards it. I see it doing very little to fix anything.
Killing vote farms? Sure, it could do that. What it wont do is fix that kind of characteristic behavior.
What i cannot stomach is 50/50 which is the big change being talked here. I find that 50/50 will make things many times worse and that there is this delusion present that basically states: "If you increase curation, people will curate more.".
I find that to not be the case at all for many reasons i dont care to repeat again... but heres just one..
Say im a whale....If i really wanted to maximize my profit i can do so under any curve, under any curation split simply by adjusting my content to the minimum work required to avoid downvotes.
Anyways.. I always say i could be wrong, i dont believe i am, but at this point i just hope they will wait with this until i power down my stake.
If this makes things better ill just click the powerup button again, if it doesnt i can run fast.
What i dont understand is that, when faced with such a drastic change more people arent powering down to stay safe. Are you really of such great conviction that such a change on a platform with so many moving parts will turn out positive?
Even if i was in support of this i wouldnt be so sure. :)
As long as it isn't something drastically stupid I'm for it and will influence the new landscape. And you can tell I don't think it's stupid. Compared with the change from n^2 to n, I see this as a return to some nonlinearity without making it crazy at the high end.
Now about 50/50, I see it the following way: it may not make lazy people curate, but if they are just farming they have to wrestle with the nonlinearity AND curation sniping (remember whatever leaked to others in curation in 75/25 doubles in 50/50), and will surely be making less. And this affects bid bot delegation as well. I see that as a win.
Yes your quote is true, but the truth is they actually will be getting less than they otherwise would with no changes. Make even the dumb optimizer gravitate towards behavior that is helpful, or penalize it. As I mention, a post farmer will be encouraged to consolidate their voting to expose their risk to downvotes. But the effectiveness of the system is more contingent upon people actually downvoting. That will be the real test.