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RE: How I learned to stop worrying and love the Bid Bots

in #steem6 years ago

Sorin seems like a nice guys and all and i dont think he is "shilling" here... The problem is that he doesnt seem to understand what general sentiment and perception of STEEM as a failed project is doing to the price.
Where ever you go online in the crypto space and mention STEEM, the first thing they say is: Oh, isnt STEEM filled with bots?
They dont even know how bots work here, but they know something with bots is going on....

Not only are bots not another reason for people to invest, thyre actually the reason for many to stay away.
Im not saying bots dont have a place here... Im saying that as they exist now, thyre hurting the platform immensely.


I am very concerned as an investor. Steem is getting negative attention because of the bots and the problems new users have at receiving attention and rewards if they don't buy Steem to pay for bot votes. On top of that new users need to buy Steem for resource credits.

I feel Steem has gone from inviting people to earn rewards to inviting people to pay before being able to have any sort of reasonable experience.

Our retention rates are horrible. We need to keep people here and viewing content. Advertising won't work if there are no eyes on content.

Agreed. If you make it so hard for new people to on-board, at least create some sort of earning potential for them.

If you make it so hard for anyone to earn any money here, at least make it easy for them to on board.

Problem is that both things are poor on Steem and when that happens then the superior choice for blogging is always Medium, superior for gaming is Eos or Eth, for communities Reddit, etc.

When everything is made so difficult, even if youre not here to just "make money" (as if thats a bad thing) seeing the boting self gratification leaves a bad taste in your mouth and retention goes down the toilet.