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RE: 50/50 curation and bots getting more?

in #steem6 years ago

It seems your saying it will cost vote buyers less to get the same $100 vote?

It means exactly that. It gets much cheaper for vote buyers to get a 100$ vote which increases the demand and vote buying. 50/50 is a horrendously stupid idea that has the potential to ruin STEEM even more.
We need to stop the 50/50 discussion and move into talking about the DAO and cuting author rewards to fund STEEM development.
Problem is i cant get anyone to talk about it since this is the only way for whale curators to increase their gains against vote sellers.
The content creators will suffer but at this point no one cares.


ummm... 50% curation. they will get a 50 dollar return, not 100. The vote has to be 100.

Bots are dead at 50/50 curation. Vote selling services arent. At 50/50 buying votes gets much cheaper since the vote selling services adjust the rates. No longer do you have to pay 10 USD for a 11 USD vote. You will pay something like 7 USD for a 11 USD vote which means it would be much cheaper to get higher up the trending page.

Let stake be 'locked' up via a switch so that it cannot vote but automatically takes 10x 100% vote values from the pool each day at the 2.4 hr maximum rate.

Hehe. Thats a very bold idea. :)
The problem with this is that most people would opt for it.

From your posts ive read you seem like an extremely positive guy.
Im not. haha.
Because youre very positive is why i think you are supportive of the 50/50 split.
Im the type of person that thinks that assholes tend to continue acting like assholes and the decent people need no incentive to be decent and they will continue to be decent no matter what it costs them.

"Incentives" for me are just another word for:

Pay me not to be an asshole.


As much as your idea is innovative i just think that most people would just opt for it and those that dont would grab at anyone that is left to give them votes.
I mean just ask yourself:

Would we even be discussing this problem if so many people werent selfish assholes?

Im sorry i have to be blunt like this but thats what it boils down to.

I would want them to opt for it because, there are people here that recognize that attention is the name of the future game and at the moment, it isn't possible to influence because of people selling and, nothing really changes for values. Once they are out of the pool and not selling, people can't buy and those who want to curate actively will have real effect with low amounts. eventually, vying for the attention will bring some people back from the 100% stake to influence the system. Your stake is your voice, take the silent stake that influences content blindly, out of the game.

I would want them to opt for it.

Hmm. So this could basically be called "The Haejin proposal". :D

The problem i see is big investors that have a large vote to share would all opt to getting the daily 10X and the community would be sharing dimes..I mean it makes sense. You get the ROI but dont defile the #pages.

Im more for cuting the author earnings with the DAO to fund the projects. That would have a much greater positive effect.

The problem i see is big investors that have a large vote to share would all opt to getting the daily 10X and the community would be sharing dimes..

Most are doing that now, right? The ones that aren't will recognise the power that comes with being able to affect trending on a daily basis - their favourite Dapps and authors pushed into real visibility

Im more for cuting the author earnings with the DAO to fund the projects.

This is more likely to happen then the stake... at the moment ;D

It is fun though isn't? This Steem thing?

Dumb dilution. Yeah in my opinion there's no point in coding this because it's already available. Have at it, Farmers!