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RE: Article States That Justin Sun and Tron will Acquire Steemit

in #steem5 years ago

Because hes a shitcoin shill with 0 credibility. He fakes trading volume, transaction and user numbers, copies white papers, lies... TRON is filled with illegal or borderline illegal gambling dapps, Bittorent literally funds piracy and content theft.
He buys up companies and turns them into a Tron shilling machine without creating anything of value.
He "fakes it till he makes it" and now that idiot investors gave him money he wants to buy one of the only things in crypto thats worth a damn?

No thx.

Snake oil salesmen were great marketers as well, the best, doesnt mean id want them running steemit.


So you rather pay $24,99 PER movie instead of just watching them for free thanks to bittorrent?

I get its nice and all to be a "legit" but do you REALLY need to give more money to the entertainment industry which is the only industry that is not effected by recessions. (just like the mafia)

Id rather walk into a store and just take the beer instead of paying $6,99 for a six pack.

It doesnt matter if you think some industry is mafia like or not or how much money you think they should earn.
Those are just justifications for content theft and now you add a token to it?

Let me ask you this.
If you saw someone literally rip off someone elses post here and get rewarded for it, would you downvote?
I would. I would downvote even if i thought the guy that got his content stolen was a prick and a douchebag.

So you can steal from someone because he's rich? Come on...

The Congress shall have Power [...] to promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries. *

Sometimes I think it's probably easier to onboard people to the benefits of snake-oil at this point.

Youre probably right.