Well no. Its pretty well established what this platform is about. Pretty sure it was from day 1, even before the whitepaper when it was just an idea in Dan and Neds head.
The platform is about diversity of people, content, ideas, monetization of content, and whatever else. Its not only about "how much does steem cost today".
You can explore only that side of it (which indeed is not what you do) but its not the only side of STEEM.
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Who said I am talking about money, I am talking about painfully slow development.
Painfully slow adoption, zero marketing and most of our efforts going into changing our own chain and attacking our own userbase. Which is NO WAY to build a product.
Oh i agree. I just dont want Justin to do a under the table deal for 60 million SP nor do i think he is good for Steem just because he has money.
Would you lets say want Faketoshi in his place? He does marketing well too.
My point is that lets not jump at everyone that might have deep pockets and proclaim them as saviors.
Maybe we dont need saving. Maybe wer doing much better then 90% of the rest of the market.