It seems that you are an expert when it comes to security. The Empire has a very significant security issue but my moronic, puke-inducing, decrepit, old boss The Emperor refuses to address it. What would you suggest for this?
My boss says not to worry because it is only only about 2 meters across, but he's a freaking idiot so I try not to listen to his gravely voice.
If you think of something, The Empire would appreciate it if you left your suggestion here or in the comments of my latest transmission.
Oh my, that looks like a serious security vulnerability. Some serious bugs could slip through such hole causing Kernel Panic or Blue
StarScreen of Death.Patch it, you should.
Sadly this is who my boss has put in charge of IT.
I keep telling my idiot boss this needs to be patched ASAP, but you know how old people are with technology .
I'm just the most powerful being who ever lived, what would I know?
Some day I swear I'm going to throw my boss down a bottomless shaft.