While the benefits of decentralisation are large, most people are not equipped to actually live the decentralised life and unwilling to really cooperate, even if there is a common goal.
....this is the cost of brainwashing the masses from governments over the last 50 years. ..That it's is here to help - through free money...(stolen from someone else)
Most people dream of buying land and building their dream house, this is how I think of Steem, a property that I am able to own and operate in the way I choose.
....except you can't.( Unlike real property).
If someone doesn't like what you advertise on your land, they can't do anything about it.
Here they can more than do something about it.
A very good distinction there , highlighting the difference.
and we have come from a world that has been pushing individualism heavily for the last 50 odd years.
We have come from a world pushing collectivism through government and state, heavily - for the last 50 years, merely using the trojan horse of individualism...
( a little like the trojan horse of pushing 'equality' and more women working, while really wanting more tax slaves and debt serfs.)
...'what is says on the box, isn't necessarily whats inside'
Many talk trash - and then wonder why they live in filth.
...and many talk hot air, and wonder why they have their heads in the clouds! lolol.
...oh yeah, the UI doesn't bother me much, either...we must be getting old or somenthing ! lol
This is not true at all, unless you live in the middle of the woods and no one can see what you advertise.
How is that not true?
Do you own land? Try advertising on it with a public facing condoning drug use, Nazism or sexually explicit material. It is your land, you can do whatever you want, right?
Ah, so you think there should be a central authority to decide on others action, in the crypto sphere?
A government?
Socialism has no place in real life.
Governments deciding what you say or don;t say on your own land is a symptom of the socialist cancer.
Only the authoritarian mindset could support this perspective.
Using authority as a defense of your argument, (governments in this case), is not an argument based in the principles of property rights, but one of approval of power over others...
it's very.... dominant hierarchy, oriented, shall we say.
I grew up on farm , re the do 'you own land thing', but not sure why that's relevant.
You have an apartment, so you find comfort in the fact that an authority can decide for you, tell you what to do in your own property?
i.e. - what poster you are allowed to place in your window?
Echo's of
stockholm syndrome, communism matey...You have gone off on a tangent of your own and again tried to say I said something I did not. It is tiresome and not worth my effort.