that is ridiculous to assume that truth can be known by you or by me.
I wasn't making that assumption, it was a discussion on the nature of truth..
So, I am glad that you have taken up your position of your belief in an all knowing being.
I have no such belief, and definitely never said that. How on earth, did you extrapolate that ?
Perhaps praying for what you want will help?
I dunno, I've never done it. I think't akin to positive thinking or 'law or attraction' ...or something...I dunno..
Your love of boxing people I find silly.
Why so? Life is boxing - Pacifism never gets you anywhere! lol
Finding truth is only possible through examination, and how you examine is not relevant, the process of examination to uncover truths is the point of the exercise.
No need to shoot the messenger.
You can feel right though, that is your prerogative, not necessarily a truth, except to you.
Right (or wrong) is of no value, only uncovering truths.
If you make claims of presenting 'the truth' it is a claim that the truth is known, is it not? I can understand truthseeking but truth itself is precarious.
Depends where you are trying to get doesn't it?
So, if you uncover a truth, you assume it is actually true? Again, this assumes the past, present and future is all known to ensure that truth. The position however is unlikely to hold all of those three points so, it is limited at best meaning that it is open to change based on new information making it, not true except under certain assumptions.