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RE: On selling, powering up and the impossible

in #steem6 years ago

If you make claims of presenting 'the truth' it is a claim that the truth is known, is it not?

I'm making claims to trying to uncovering truths...very different.

Why so? Life is boxing - Pacifism never gets you anywhere!
Depends where you are trying to get doesn't it?

If you are trying to get anywhere, there is competition. That's boxing. That's nature.

...this assumes the past, present and future is all known to ensure that truth.

the future is moot - it's unknown.
the present truths are built upon past knowledge, it's the best we can do.

The position however is unlikely to hold all of those three points so,

...there is only one point. Now. is limited at best meaning that it is open to change based on new information...

Correct, but I don't frame reality as 'limited at best', more of a this what is.

... making it, not true except under certain assumptions.

...the certain assumption of the present being real - Yes. Which is a fair assumption if you consider that the others do not exist, and are only pictures in the mind, conceptualization doesn't make anything real.