
What do you mean?

Something that attracts a bunch of people like what happened with tik tok or the 9gag to reddit migration years ago... We need something to put us on the map again.

Getting on coinbase would certainly be a step in that direction. Then, the next step would be possibly getting some large influencers to join.

you cant grow steem like reddit or tiktok because we cant onbaord and are limited to just a few hundred accounts per day now, check latest stats from @penguinpablo . sure sometimes @steem and @steemit start makinga ccounts at 20K in a single day but no idea what teh fuck theyre doing problyone guy at a computer trying to like go through AALL the new accounts... steemit and thus STEm ends up being so closed and the whoel account creation task is not spread out its bottlenecked wirth @ned not trusting anyoen with the steem and steemit account activekeys :D like he has to stakeup and use that shit to create free accounts using tools like maybe work directly with @pharesim or @oracle-d with invite system, because we HAVE to get the work of confirming new steem accounts to be done by some large volunteer workforce, of hiugh rep steemians who can like volunteer to do batches of account creation,and these steemians would be peopel who have so much tiem and money invested in teh platform that they have ZERO interest in onmbaording any scamm,ers or malicious peopel trying to grab multipel accounts, they would be people with only anincentive to help steem filter through account signups, as im sure thts the one thing bottlenecking us.... cant be RCs as Steem and steemit hav ethe SP to make MIlliuosn of free instant accounts per year, and right now were barely making a few dozen thousand a year its trerrible... 2 years and not even 2 million accounts its sad... we could have ten million at least so that we could have 1 million actiev accounst cuz now we have like 80k actiev accounts probly WAYless now actualy as people have left

remember and when peopel migrated from Digg to reddit?

if steem has a robust enough network of front ends, and we can build a big enough ecosystem of dapps for steem, and SIMPLY SUIDIZE FREE INSTANTA CCOUNTS for peopel WITH social media accounts, peopwl WORTHyof bringing onbaord, then psh, thinsg can be so great, i imagine even using volunters with high rep to do 24 7 live skype or discord video tech supprt for any new steemian, liek let steemians helop ortehr steemians ona ytecn support discord or telegram...

i feel liek possibilities are endless for ways to get STEEM the next REDDIt...

reddit never paid for marketing just $500 on STICKERS. i feel ned took that to hearttoo closely....

Steem CAn bit e a SIZABLE CHUNK of reddits user base and thus market share of eyeballs and attention.. but were better off making bots and stfuf for reddit and making he steem subreddit full of @banjo and other bot integrations, so peopel can tipin the subreddit, send each otehr steem and steem engine tokens, send upvotes that show on a bot from reddit comments, auto repost reddit posts onto steem and add BANJO as the beneficiary reward 100% and then add the reddit link and banjo will automatically see the original reddit user, and send thema DM with a redemption link to redeem whatever liquid steem (from SBD) Banjo got paid for the post that someoen reposted from r4eddit, onto steem, @banjo keeps the SP, refunds the SBD to actualk original reddit poster 7 days later maybe, witha simpel DM and also we can let people just accpet the steem from banjo to a bittrex poloniex or binance account for peopel without steem wallets. I WISH we had a steem app like @roelandp 's steemwallet but which was Loaded with enough free instanta ccounts, to keep up with all LEGITAMITE demand, and a simple DISCORD video call will be all that is required to redeem perhaps... BUT THE POINT WAS i wish peopel could just downlaod a steem wallet, and immiedtalystart using it liek with bitcoin , butiguess BTC has high POW feesd... (I wish i could pay for a 3 steem account creation fee WITHa voluntary fee aken out of my transactions for some wallet that gives you a free account...

i justw ish i could find a way foir @roelandp to determien who is legitamitely asking for a steem account for teh first time, so i could give him some INV token invite links, tht he could give out to ANYONEdownloading teh steem wallet.... hope maybe theers like some Hard Fork 22 for steem that allows for NON SOCIAL MEDIA steem wallets that would be liek free and just for sending a small number of transactions per day, and the account name would be a randomly gnerated one or something,

While this is true, I don't think there is the demand for that many new accounts each day currently... but yes if we suddenly had tons of demand for steemit accounts there would be a shortage pretty quickly.