
Best at what? What is he best at? Doing your manipulative bidding? You lack in SP so you incite others like Tufkat to do what you yourself can't.

At least I saved @thabiggdogg from your wench clutches! How quickly you shunned and muted him as soon as it was apparent that truce was made.

You accused me of flagging like a bitch....but YOU are the TRUE TATOOD BITCH!!!

Do you still think that your efforts will diminish my determination? Not at'll only ENHANCE it!


Gae-Nyun!! (Phonetic Korean)

PS: This is your very mature 33 year old hubby (@hendrix22), the makings of a hate filled psychosis. What you both must be teaching your kids has got to be scary!

Well, at least you are finally admitting what bernie and others have said you were doing all along (voting abuse).

Now that we got that out of the way, can you stop claiming to be the victim? Thanks.

Your comment is only worth $197.45 I think you should invest in Steem Power so you can upvote your comments a little more. It’s called ROI

Yeah yeah...more playing the victim.


How does it feel to know that you are the most flagged person on the STEEM blockchain? Hundreds of users disagree with your potential rewards. You get flagged 10,000 times a month lol. And no one has your back. No one defends you except dan paulson and now thabiggdogg. Take away your Steem power and they will disappear.

You can only buy friends.