What comes to my mind in this whole discussion is that it would be nice to have different steem-ua measurement tools for different purposes. For example lets use Steem-ua for ranking posts in the trending section. Lets use your generosity Index to determine who is sharing and spreading the Steempower effectively. Lets create Steem-IA for investors to measure who is willing to hold on to its stake when it comes to Airdrops of SMT ( for example your score would be lower if you power down or selling steem but higher if you hold on to Steem power and if you are a buyer of Steem). Or lets create Steem-DA for developers.
Therefore different measurement tools would be more effective and the different kind of users ( content creators, investors, developers, witnesses) could focus more on their field of interest.Thanks for your good explanation @ura-soul. I like your generosity concept it would be great to measure who is really supporting the Steem community at a wider range.
Posted using Partiko Android
Yes, those are all possible approaches - though I'm not sure how development could be tracked in a truly useful way, other perhaps than by having close human monitoring and also possibly keeping track of @steemprojects data.
I will bare all of this in mind in case I get more investor and developer attention (or I get more time to work on steemocean myself) :)
Thanks for having this conversation with you I really appreciate it. I guess ideas are easy to write down but harder to implement. Lets keep on working so that Steem becomes a place were everybody feels home.
Posted using Partiko Android
You are welcome, thanks for your thoughts too. Yes, there is always a process from imagination through to fruition with software and usually the implementation aspect is the most challenging and intensive.