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RE: You Don't Need Upvotes to Earn Money From Your Steem Blog

in #steem7 years ago

Affiliate marketing is very lucurative business. Adding affiliate links on steem blogs is a good way to create a passive income from post after seven day threshold.
Two things one must bear in mind, one is always put disclaimer in post that it contains affiliate link and the second one is that post dont show that it is written just to catch affiliate income it should have substance for readers also.


Two things one must bear in mind, one is always put disclaimer in post that it contains affiliate link

Thanks for mentioning the disclaimer, that's probably something one should have.

the second one is that post dont show that it is written just to catch affiliate income it should have substance for readers also.

Definitely! It's also far more likely to get ranked high by search engines if it has a lot of substance. I think that researching topics thoroughly and writing great posts is what's going to result in earning affiliate income.