You, pal, are unhinged, and are obviously mad. I flagged your post where you wrote three, yes 3, sentences, with a stupid chart telling people to buy Cardano that was tagged with "introduceyourself." It isn't my fault that you're stupid. I flagged your post because your post was ERRONEOUS.
Get over it. You obviously don't take criticism well. And for this stupid comment, I bestow upon thee a fancy 100% flag that will have repercussions on your rep. Work hard to regain that ground. You come across as a n00b/young person that thinks that they're the shit. I think you've got a lot of learning and growing up to do.
Consider this a disciplinary spanking. I hope you stick around, read our back and forth, reflect on it, and grow from it.
Good luck.
You need to go back and read what I wrote to you. You're . . . crazy. I was being nice to you, even upvoted you, etc, but you come plastering walls of text of garbage. You just want to argue/fight and are so sensitive that you can't graciously take guidance as what it is, a friendly and helpful thing that I took time out of my day to give to you.
You're weird. And now I don't really like you :-/.
And also, your wish is my command. Enjoy. Flag #3.
I reiterate; grow up, you have a lot of learning ahead of you. Also, put the narcissistic ego in check, it's obnoxious.
There's a 1% upvote. You're getting the hang of things.
I was genuinely trying to show you the ropes. Like the saying goes, don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
You're amazingly stupid. This is entertaining. What a child.
Yes, you are the child. I did that in response to you, for no reason, flagging my posts (stupid) and also other people's posts that I've resteemed (also very stupid). So what I did was reciprocate your actions. Does it give you something to think about? Does it help you reflect on your actions? I hope so, because that was the intention. A taste of your medicine.
You're a clear-cut narcissist. Again, grow up. I bet you still live with your parents and were/are spoiled. You're embarrassing yourself . . .
"I never flagged a single one of your posts."
This is just a few. You also went to my blog and flagged people I've resteemed. So I went to yours, and 1% flagged your stuff to reciprocate your actions, like I said before. But you seem to be living in some kind fantasy land where reality doesn't apply.
So in response, I say "Come again, sir?"
You can't bullshit here. Your actions and their contents are etched into the blockchain and can be audited by anyone at any point.
So what are you asking me? To unflag you? If you go back and REALISTICALLY read our first interaction, I was trying to TEACH you things as a new user, but you got super arrogant and made a complete ass of yourself, which I'm now having fun with.