I have no idea why there isn't a 0% option for a flag, so you can give one without affecting people's money. That is where the payback flags come from, people concerned about their money.
It is something little that hurts no one and acts more like a "dislike"
Maybe it wouldn't offend so many people if they saw people disliked their post in place of seeing it and losing money too.
This is true, a 0% flag would act more like a private comment. Someone else might not have the same issue you do until they read the public comment. People seem to follow the herd more than think for themselves.
I have no idea why there isn't a 0% option for a flag, so you can give one without affecting people's money. That is where the payback flags come from, people concerned about their money.
You can accomplish a "0% flag," by leaving a comment. A front end tweak could also achieve this easily.
Perhaps this is a feature that should be added considering the size of some accounts (and when price increases again).
It is something little that hurts no one and acts more like a "dislike"
Maybe it wouldn't offend so many people if they saw people disliked their post in place of seeing it and losing money too.
Yeah. Also it serves as a stern reminder from the larger accounts without doing 'actual' damage.
This is true, a 0% flag would act more like a private comment. Someone else might not have the same issue you do until they read the public comment. People seem to follow the herd more than think for themselves.