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RE: [FOUND] I put 100 Steem into an account, find it, you take it!

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Got it. Not gonna claim :-). Have fun y'all.

This is some stuff I can get behind, nice initiative!

Do this again in the future and I'll toss some into the ring to sweeten the deal.

EDIT: Spoke too soon!


Prove it by sending to my account. lol

Will you work with us to create a weekly contest for the @steemitweekly?

Take it if you figured it out.

It was taken by @hakancelik. What was the encryption of the password?

Spoke too soon! Converted the username, thought the same thing for the password followed/didn't login and was wrong, nice one!

LOL, I suspected that was the case :)
I'm actually surprised it was found so fast.

Yeah that was quick. I sat down, saw the post and was like WTF this is just hex. Converted the username and got treasure55, surely enough that was it and was like "Ok, I get it, cool, someone will nab 100 Steem." Straight up bizarro world someone would reverse the string and convert to ROT13 on a hunch . . . I don't see the logic.

well it is commonly used CaesarCrypt in Python with offset=13.
But I guess I would not have thought about the "reverse string".

And before having a look at the ASCII-Codes, I would have parsed the blockchain for recently created accounts with 100 STEEM :-)

Well the formatting was a dead giveaway for hex, so I check the username and got @treasure55 immediately. I was assuming Marky was keeping it simple and thought the pass followed as easily as the username, but I was wrong! I actually got to the point of reversing it and just kinda hail mary'ed it (forward and back) trying to find out what algorithm hashed it (was gonna try to crack it). I ran it through LM, NTLM, md2, md4, md5, md5(md5_hex), md5-half, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512, ripeMD160, whirlpool, MySQL 4.1+ (sha1(sha1_bin)), and a few other checks. NO DICE!

In terms of caesar ciphers, I always though of ROT1, ROT2, ROT3, and so on, but haven't even thought about them since I was a kid doing it by hand haha.

Hahahaha - "some people" do stuff like this with starting from C64, Atari and otheres for more 30 years - daily :-)