Please, telepathic master of all knowledge, tell me more about me, a person that you do not know on any level. Did it ever occur to you that the reduction of your rep was a direct result of your behavior? (hint: it was.)
You're a psycho, lol.
Please, telepathic master of all knowledge, tell me more about me, a person that you do not know on any level. Did it ever occur to you that the reduction of your rep was a direct result of your behavior? (hint: it was.)
You're a psycho, lol.
That's better, glad to see you've calmed down. I'm seriously not trying to bully anyone. You gotta admit, you were going fucking wild and got pretty unhinged, dude. Like I was saying, read our first interactions, I was trying to help you by explaining how this platform works, but you let the 1% flag (easy to recover from) get to you and you started a very baseless attack that I naturally responded to. I removed flags from your posts earlier that weren't miscategorized/in the wrong place, which put them back into visibility.
The rep reduction was from 2 x 100% flags that I placed on some of your comments when you were getting out of hand. Flags can be mitigated by upvotes and they can also be removed by unflagging.