5 reason why you should stay on Steemit and keep on posting

in #steem • 6 years ago

Hi guys, I hope you all doing all right 😊

This weekend was a hell of a ride, bitcoin hitting 3500$. Watching coinmarketcap for the latest prices of coins felt like watching an ongoing bloodbath. Media catching up to that topic claiming cryptocurrency is dead by referring to bitconnect for the whole market to be a scam. I can defiantly say that a lot of people are scared at the moment, reconsidering if they should still invest their effort and time in posting high quality content on Steemit:
Will the value of Steem drop to 0? Is the whole Cryptoworld and the Blockchain a scam?

Here are my 5 reasons to stay on Steemit:

  1. Less competition
    At the moment a lot of former steemians stopped posting content on Steemit since prices fall like rain to the ground. I started to post content only 2 weeks ago experiencing a price decrease of another 50%. I see this as an opportunity rather than an end to Steemit. Less people are posting readable content at the moment, some might lose their following and have to build up a “brand” once prices get higher again. It is the perfect time to create a blog that people like, since you can stay out from the crowd and increase your following base step by step. People have a higher chance to click on your post might leaving a like because of less traffic on the platform.

  2. Bitcoin price will increase again and good projects will follow
    Although, there are only very little good news around the web a lot of experts claim that prices will rise again. Checking out tradingview nearly every day and watching the trading ideas of more experienced marketers than I am, I have to say the few people I check out on a regular basis predicted such low prices on Bitcoin. The bear market might be not completely over yet but they also state that prices will go up again. The opportunity to make money with every sh** coin around might disappear but the projects which add value and have a good idea will stay and grow along with the price increase. Steemit in my opinion adds value to the society, has an active development team and comes up withfeatures on a regular basis. Therefore, I believe Steem will grow along Bitcoin once we switch to the bull market again.

  3. Investment for the future
    Only a few Steemians have the luxus to completly rely on Steemit. They work hard every day, thinking of new ideas and continously engage with their follower base.Considering to put all your effort and time now into Steemit having no security to switch to, when there is no success might not be a good idea. But growing along with the coin, community and having the opportunity that it might be worth more than the last all time high seems very attractive to me. The nice thing about Steemit is that you only have to invest your time, creativity and effort to have a chance to make a living out of Steemit in the future. There is also the option of buying Steem on an exchange market, but this bears the risk of loosing money. By creating high quality content the only thing you “loose” is your time which leads me to my next point.investments.jpg

  4. Learning benefit
    Participating on Steemit, writing & reading blogs, connecting with people with the same interests, experiencing other points of views to a variety of topics does not appeal to me that I waste my time. Starting here I actually believed that I cannot write very well, have nothing to say and I cannot add value to this community. 2 weeks in, I can say that I already learned a lot. Writing and expressing myself became a bit easier, I learned how to start to format a text and by doing research I learned more insight within the topics I like. That means that you might not get rich on Steemit in a monetary way but you enrich your skills and might get inside information from others.

  5. Alternatives
    I am only really active here for 2 weeks and I enjoy the kindness and support of nearly everyone on the platform. I have an account on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter but no platform does give me the same value as Steemit does. I use Facebook only for occasionaly chats with old friends whoms number I do not have and it reminds me of birthdays I otherwise would forget. There are just to much advertisments on this platform. Instagram is nice to see what my friends do, but it also turned to a platform where everyone wants to show his best self not showing the real self. It’s like blending others pretending to have a super life . On Steemit you have the opportunity to express everything you want, following the people who post interesting content, exchange your point of view with other experts in a specific field and on top of that earn a bit of MONEY.

I want to end this post with a quote from @chbartist:

“If you are pretending to work or invest on your steemian journey, then it will pretend to pay you for your efforts. But if you put in the work, if you invest, the platform will surely reward you for your efforts”
Check out his posts they are really valuable in my opinion:Link

If you liked this post, make sure to upvote and follow for more awesome content. Also, please share this with anybody you know who might think this worth reading.Make sure to express any questions, comments or feedback you may have down below.

Have a good day everyone and I would love to see you around



I know myself and others can really hope it drops to .10. I have lost alot of money in this but I would like to think one day it will all turn around.

Nice post dude , I too have trouble on what to write about and how to express myself , nevertheless , you did a great job on this motivational post, keep it up