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RE: Should I Power Down? - Early Morning Steem Thoughts by Charlie Shrem

in #steem9 years ago

I too was very surprised that the devs liquidated/powered down so quickly... I thought they would believe in the project taking off and really be worth in the billions... but it seems that even a 10 mil. valuation is enough to sell...


it seems the very people who should be not powering down are, while us that dont want to as we want this project to work and have collateral to work with just feed their power downs with our money !! If i power down now i will maybe get less than half of the money put in. Even then who can guarantee that my 24 months of payment will come as it seems if this bleeding of funds continues this thing will just fold !! So tell me what impetus for new comers to invest here when they see this strange behavior and posts like mine being visible. I really hate expressing these doubts here as i know it is counter productive to the image of this community, but frankly this feels bad right now !! I just want to see them believe like me in their own project !!

It appears that way. If revenue generated by this platform is a portion of their livlihood, it doesn't serve them to bail. There are many reasons why someone would power down don't you think? Those reasons certainly vary with status. For example, I might power down because I need money for cereal. Ned might do the same. Ned might power down because he intends to use the capital to recruit outside devs to grow, but I would never power down for that reason because I don't have that responsibility. I view the fact that any can power down at all on such an experimental platform as a resounding success.