torrent movies and steem

in #steem8 years ago

Is it a good idea to contact people from piratebay to provide their torrents in steem and get paid in steem.usd? Can this be done?


Yes it can be done, but I would caution against it for the following reasons:

  1. will have to filter illegal content or risk being shutdown all together
  2. those who upvote illegal content are effectively paying for bootleg material
    a. this makes the crime and penalties much more severe for both parties
    b. this makes the poster and voters much bigger targets for lawsuits.

All of that said, there is absolutely nothing stopping a decentralized downloadable app from displaying this kind of information. This is a prime example of where a separate currency dedicated to this job might make more sense than building this on Steem. For starters, a large number of steemians will downvote illegal content whereas a dedicated platform would presumably be held by those who value that kind of sharing.

Thanks for the reply! much appreciated and fully agree with what you say about the caution needed. We do not want to be shut down, but as long as the content shared is not illegal there shouldn't be any problem.

The poster is a target irrespective if he shares the torrent in steemit or pirate bay.
The voter is in less trouble than the one who is actually downloading the torrent. As long as the content is not illegal, I can give my vote showing that I am grateful for the guy uploading some content that other people value. That doesn't mean necessarily that I have personally downloaded the content, so why would I be a target?
In piratebay there are a lot of people leaving comments and many of them may leave comments without having watched the actual content but just advertising some other business. I don't think that this is illegal in any way in any country..
If people play nice with their content, I think steemians should support this and not leave the opportunity to be exploited by another cryptocurrency or platform..

Ya, like I said below. I didn't see any replies before I posted mine. You pretty much nailed what I was saying. ;)

It's not sound fair for people who made movie. Let's reverse it.
That if creators of movies post's their work on and get's compensated for that? What could help us illuminate piracy all together and, as a little bonus, NO ADS in the internet anymore.

I like it!

My co-workers and I tried to get magnet links implemented into Dogecoin years ago, we had the code, we were paying for the implementation, but their community shot it down pretty harsh as evidenced on reddit. That was the end of our involvement with Dogecoin (no more meme's 4 u!). ;)

It was implemented on the Feathercoin blockchain however and we always thought it was a great idea and were surprised no one else was doing it. I think a few crypto's have come along since that have implemented something similar. But the Link Protocol by Kevlar (Travis Savo) was the first one to do it. The Link Protocol also has a voting mechanism built in where users can pay to vote up the next feature added. It is very cool.

From my personal experience with magnet links on a blockchain what you'll run into quickly is the, "but teh child pr0n!", "but illegal content!", crowd who think it will reflect poorly on the blockchain as a whole, despite the fact that you're simply storing a magnet link, not the content.

So we showed them that there were other legitimate uses, like storing magnet links to the latest version of the client, the US Constitution and other worthwhile things that a government could never take down and would always be available; as long as someone was seeding.

That didn't matter to most others and they wanted nothing to do with it because they could not get over the possible bad light it might shed on the almighty blockchain. OK, I'm done with my stroll down memory lane. Back to what you're discussing. :)

I was thinking about doing this, so this comment of yours probably saved me some cash and time, thnx man!

my favourite torrent sites are:

By the way, you should post it under the steem ideas tag