Pretty good post. I've bee n kicking myself in the ass everyday since the opening of Bitcoin. I got an email back on 07-08 talking about Bitcoin and asking for investors & etc. It was basically an email that was the start up of Bitcoin. I did the dumbest thing and thought it was just some stupid mlm thing & deleted the email. Now, it's 2017 and bitcoin is valuable,just like Gold! If i would of taken the offer in that email back in 07, I would be pretty close to being Millionaire status.
Tell ya what though, I'm not going to leave an opportunity like that again.
I hope steem does great and everybody benefits from it.
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We can only hope and put our faith in the currency, again its only worth what the public decides it's worth as with everything. Although since this is the only cryptocurrency tied to a social media platform that gives steem an edge!