Are you mentally prepared?

in #steem5 years ago (edited)


Being on Steem for over 2 years now and having experienced nothing but a 2 year bear market, it feels good to walk on these green fields for a change, doesn't it?

STEEM amongst the top gainers eh? It's been a long while...

Do you remember all the STEEM believers, myself included, that used to say: "Don't quit now, just because the price of STEEM dipped that much. Now it is your chance to be noticed. Now it's your chance to accumulate as much as you can?"

Guess what?

  • Now you can earn half the STEEM you could earn compared to the not so distant past...just 75 days back when STEEM bottomed out on November the 25th 2019.

  • Now you can also buy half the STEEM you could buy compared to the very same period and for many months in a row before that,for the same amount of money.

All time highs (ATH's) and all time lows (ATL's), are often used as reference points and it's exciting for people to try to analyze the price ride in between those two.

Thinking of the probability that this may be the very beginning of a new price rally makes me wonder if those who have been dreaming of STEEM sitting at $2...$3...are ready for this.

The higher the price, the more attractive Steem blockchain will become.

And this is the sequence of events that will take place...

  • Those who have quit will come back seeking for attention, after all this is the attention economy...

  • More people will find out about Steem blockchain and will try to take advantage of the potential to either build their businesses on top of this blockchain, or to simply enjoy all those apps we've been enjoying all those months.

  • The more people will jump in, the more stake will be used...

I had an interesting discussion with @dalz on discord the other day, who happens to be a blockchain freak and can extract any kind of info from the blockchain (btw you can use his services if you visit the @leoshop) and told me that out of the 350+ mill of Steem in circulation ~ 210mill is staked and out of those 210mill, only 125 are being used for upvoting / downvoting purposes...expect this number to go up hand by hand with the price of STEEM.

  • More hands on the rewards pool ==> less effective your vote...and everyone else's.

  • Less effective vote means less rewards (SP wise). People will earn sbd though...Meh...sbd ain't STEEM.

I've read somewhere that...

You wouldn't believe how it feels seeing the prices using the elevator instead of the stairs...

And I am really looking forward it it....

In other words...have you built your account just in case this day arrives sooner than you expected?

Food for thought...

Have a great one peeps.
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To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

My sources say no

Hi! I'm a bot, and this answer was posted automatically. Check this post out for more information.

lol bot...really?

Thanks for the shout out!

A lot of SP is dormant now .... and it will wake up once the prices are up.

With todays price movement looks like we are heading that way :)

It's been so long there was this breeze of hope around here...

The moment these millions of dormant SP wake up, we'll have an even healthier economy

Well...let's say I've made more friends....lets go ti the moon baby

Ha! Fasten your seat-belts :P

There are some old friends I'd love to see show up again. Also don't forget about all the spammers and scammers that will show up again too. :/

Posted via Steemleo

Meh...I am sure we will take good care of them...

It will be interesting to see who rolls back in if the price keeps increasing for the next while. There are lots of faces that would be good to see back in and thank for letting us do so well over the past few months. It's been great.

I miss some of them too tbh

I've built what to me is a decent stake. But to many it is a paltry amount. But if we get to $100 I will be a millionaire....well at least on paper ;)

Good post !!

Man, if we get to $100 pretty much everyone involved in Steem now, will be a millionaire