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RE: Why I won't support Jerry Banfield anymore - JerryCoin

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

humans once servived and thrived on a sharing economy before the agricultural revolution and that didn’t require any system of government

please explain how a sharing economy is any different than a monetary system. Not in theory, in actual practice.

Ive actually spent half of my adult life in a "sharing economy" and I fail to see how its any different

Because both of those systems were invented in a time when humans believed that the earth’s resources were infinite.
Ridiculously archaic economic systems.

Where are you getting this bullshit from? A simple analysis of your last statement proves this wrong entirely.

You state that before these systems existed humans existed in a sharing economy(which is not true in the slightest but for ill humor you for a minute)... yet the systems that evolved after the sharing economy are archaic and incompatible with the state of the world today.

downsizing government until it is made obsolete

this i can agree with