Gold and the STEEM Community !

in #steem8 years ago

You can already Buy Gold and Silver with Bitcoins…

You can even Buy Gold and Silver with DogeCoin and LiteCoin…

Supposedly you can even Buy Gold and maybe Silver with Ethereum

STEEM Has been keeping a pretty close hold on the #3 Spot out of all CryptoCurrencies, and staying around $3, even after a Hack.

How  long before we see the first Gold or Silver Dealer accepting STEEM? The  first and even the first few Gold and Silver dealers could make a  really good profit from the market if they did everything right. If a  Gold and Silver Dealer were to come in, and teach people how to invest  Gold and Silver Properly, meaning how to use it like a Stock, or like  part of a Forex Market, etc. Watching the actual value of it increase,  and then maybe Holding Gold Certificates to use as Capital to put up for  stake in different ventures. And maybe even getting people together to  open a Goldmine somewhere like Ghana. Doing all that would actually  increase the value of STEEM, because as STEEM users became more Gold  Savvy (Seeing a Gold Mine Operate, Learning about Certificates that are  Gold Back, Learning about Trusts, etc) the STEEM Community would itself  become more valuable for having received this knowledge, as there will  be more and more people investing Gold in to STEEM and vice versa, and  Gold will be backing more and more STEEM Operations and Companies,  meaning that STEEM would be more valuable than before. And in turn this  would mean that any Gold or Silver Dealer who got in the STEEM  Marketplace early would be getting way more STEEM for their Gold than it  would be worth later. So they could actually Sell Gold and Silver now  for STEEM, then hold that STEEM until their own Gold and Silver Supply  (and the ability to trade STEEM for it) increases the value of that  STEEM. Then as STEEM become 2x, 3x, 5x, or even 10x+ more valuable, they  can then trade their STEEM for Bitcoins, buy more Gold and Silver than  they even Sold to STEEM holders, because now that STEEM would be worth  2x, 3x, 5x, or more. So they could then turn around and continue selling  Gold and Silver to the STEEM Community, keep it matched to the USD Spot  price of Gold and Silver the whole time, and actually make money. And  as people who buy Gold and Silver in the STEEM Community notice that the  buying of Gold and Silver with STEEM is increasing the Value of STEEM,  they may want to start selling Gold and Silver for STEEM themselves. And  eventually there could be a whole Precious Metals Community the Size of  a Jewelry Corporation within the STEEM user base.

Here are the Basic’s on Gold Certificates:

Gold Certificates are pretty much what money used to be, you can go trade one in for Gold

This  is something that is still relevant in Today’s American Congress. They  all know what it is, and it is a document that was written by a Congress  Person (Senator or Representative) and it was written because the US  Dollar was backed by Gold, and then it wasn’t. Richard Nixon did this  and the response was known as Nixon Shock

The Case for Gold

Nixon Shock

The  more STEEM that there is in the world backed by Gold, and the more  STEEM Projects there are backed by Gold, and the more people can teach  people about Gold Certificates, and not buying Gold or Silver above  Spot, or not buying coins for their Sentimental Type values (only buy  Gold for its purity and weight, any sentimental type values are lost  when selling to someone who wants to melt it down, which is pretty much  anyone you would sell Gold or Silver to), What Gold and Silver can be  used for, How Gold mines work, etc. The more valuable STEEM will be as a  Coin, and the more Valuable Steemit will be as a Platform.


very interesting insight here. nice post. please continue with your thoughts.

Beautiful post