Can we have some honesty and maybe some whistle-blowing action, Please?

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

I'm quite well invested in STEEM and I remember even buying 100steem@ 4 usd each a while back because I wanted to invest with the technology and obviously reap profits in a few years to come. I have no expectation that we will hit mass adoption anytime soon, and what I mean by this is that I expect real value of blockchain tech to shine in 2030 and for more mass adoption to occur around then and that any crypto investment (to me) is a long term investment.

STEEM has a supply of 325,078,203 tokens this year but inflates gradually because 65,000 steem are created daily, so that in 16 years from now, there will be roughly double this number existing and after that, the Steem token supply will inflate just 1% each year.

This means that there aren't actually many STEEM in existence in total in comparison to other top crypto's as some have multiplied billions but still might seem a lot, but lets consider that Bitcoin had a total max supply of 21 million, and its easy to say that a good 2 million bitcoins are lost at least (any many more will be lost over time) due to the private keys and seeds being lost and people mining them when they were just cents and dollars and then not thinking it would amount to what it has, they didn't store the seeds as one should ready for a long term hodl. I wonder also how many STEEM are already lost due to lost keys?

Bitcoin is obviously the godfather, mother and grandparent's of all crypto cryptocurrecy's and has never been successfully attacked since it was started, which of course adds so much more value to it from any investor's perspective. Steem has also great technology behind it and it has a low max supply, I mean, I'm not a tech minded guy and in fact I'm far from it - but good technology is good technology right?!

Any idiot can see that a crypto that can only be made naturally from the blockchain itself and sat in the top 50 rankings on CMC, is a good investment so no wonder whilst Steem is cheap, people will be more inclined to do immoral things to acquire more of it.

I decided to write this post up because we should be able to prevent a future where only the developers, and early steem adopters (mainly from Steemit) are holding the bulk of the Steem supply and gaining the Steem tokens from people just joining the cryptoworld, and then the new users realizing that they got royally fucked over after some time and how ever will will reach mass adoption if this was to be our future? This would in-turn create something that's not so decentralized and there would be 1% of Steem holders holding the majority of the Steem just as it is with the current world finance's.

STEEM is 45 cents (ish) - something I was sure I would never be able to witness - What are peoples thoughts on the highest price of 1 steem in 10 years from now?

It's disturbing me since a while that we have this tool called Steemit to use to promote games and content but also its a place where we can communicate with one and other and to share knowledge and awareness - which to me makes it reasonable to say that we should be able to seed out the good from the bad and to help others avoid loosing money on new dapp's that are setup to benefit the creator and then to rob people of there steem tokens in some grey area of right and wrong.


This is not the only blockchain that is existing (something I feel that people oversee often) and Steem seems to be the last one to catch up on Dapp's and Tokens and from this we actually have the upperhand to see the natural direction that we are heading to.
EOS for example started well back before autumn last year with the dapps consisting from gambling dapps to 'High risk' Dapps, and before then the same thing was happening on Ethereum. I actually lost around 600 EOS due to not selling my dividend tokens at the higher price because I never would have thought that they would have flopped so quickly as they did.

Many people got stung and the lucky ones came out evens from the EOS dapp wave and I'm sure a handful came out of it from selling at 8 times profits or so and then didn't reinvest. There was one game from many the same called BEST running on Eos, and I watched the last of it as the high div's dwindled and then finish as the dev's exited. It was sad to read on telegram of of few people holding 20mill BEST tokens that they had obtained and ending up having them valued at zero with just the hope that the dev's would come back or that someone would buy the game and get it running again thus giving the tokens value again.

A Live screenshot of how that dapp is at the time of this post - curtisy of DappRadar..

After the EOS dapps were dead..

I was invited then over to the Tron Blockchain and spent a few months there before Christmas mining tokens with the remains of my eos tokens that sold at a huge loss and also seeing the rise of the 'high risk' games but then soon realizing they were just scams. Drugwars is the same game mechanics as Tron Goo, which was a ponzi scheme where lots of people lost a lot of trx.

Many dapps have flaked away of course and to be honest it seems that Tronbet (TB) have been the best dev team in the gambling dapp space since they started and have been working dam hard to become blatantly the dominating gambling dapp in the whole crypto world. Ironically enough if I'm not mistaken they were the actually The first Dapp on Tron??

It's very sad that this is all the blockchain's are being used for for now- which is proof to me that we are in still the very early stages of this movement. It means that anyone not interested in gambling, or sitting for hours mining a token, wont be bringing any new money into the crypto world and this is where maybe Steem can be different.

Maybe it is because crypto in an anarcho-capitalist system and that's just how it is (and I'm no way against this), but I do wonder why not many people if any are flag these games that will already and have been introduced to this blockchain, and that even good people can knowingly shill and promote a new game or gambling dapp when they themselves know that its either a ponzi scheme or a dead end dapp due to fail within a week.

I would hope to see more Steemians posting and promoting the fuck out of post's that they are writing to spread awareness that can stop the steem blockchain following the same path as Ethereum, Eos and Tron have ended up at to date.

These picture's Below are from DappRadar & Stateofthedapps and it's the ranked 'high risk' Dapps on the Tron Blockchain and feel free to click HERE to go see the remaining 41 of them..

The Tron blockchain doesn't yet have a 'Steemit' (a place for the users to congregate and share knowledge) but one or even two will be up and running smooth very very soon no doubt and the same with EOS. We actually have an upper-hand to avoid the Steem Dapp chart which currently looks like this on the Left - becoming like Tron on the Right..

Sorry for the low quality picture's- told ya I'm far from a tech guy!

Its sad to see that Drugwars just like TronGoo - is not in the'High risk' category when it blatantly is a High Risk game and so dam embarrassing that it's our number one dapp, when we have actual real life Dapps like @actifit where users get paid from not investing a dime and has just 10% of users in the last 24 hours compared to drugwars - How the hell is this possible?!!

Just a few days back, there was a game on Tron called Doo Tron, terrible name I know and it was also a blatantly unfair card game guessing High or Low on the next card and also you could side bet on the colour of the next card which seemed more fair.

This site just went dead of active users literally overnight 3 days back, and so anyone expecting to get their investments back from mining their token has already no chance to ever get the TRX they spent mining the token.

Games like @Steem-bet, when they are just sounding so unprofessional on promoting themselves whilst introducing their game to us with just plain scammy-ness and who obviously have never even been on the steem blockchain before they decided to copy and paste code from open source and to make their own game. This is an example of how much they are serious about Steem, a screenshot from one of their post's and it was the launch of their non existing dividends..

note the hashtags..

So here is one the latest one I have found, before I finish up, sounding as if it could easily be not for the user's benefit, and is sounding very scammy - It's called DaieSthai.

I found today another Steemian called @runicar and his post telling of red flag's that should be taken seriously about this new game. I am not against new games being made obviously and of course we just don't know any developer's real intentions when they are making a game up, but what I am willing to do is to spread the awareness of the possibility's.

I hope to get a lot of response from top witness' and people with a big influence on this blockchain from making this post, just so you know!

Big Love & More Abundance,

P.s.. Sorry the post layout seemed bad for the first 12 hours, I wrote it on the laptop then edited it with the @partiko app, and that caused somehow the whole post layout to change, but it's now corrected again.


most STEEM is held by company that launched this ;)

didn't 140million plus steem get sold from Stinc recently helping to redistributed the currency, or is that still to happen?

no, no one ever sold that much steem, a power down is not at all anything like selling steem,
congrats on posting more disinfo FUD to hurt steem....

or is that still to happen

wow so youre asking if its even true, and then still expect it to happen. You just propagate rumors and lies!

But Im still gonna give your comment an upvote to increase its visibility and heres a screenshot incase you edit it and dont wanna admit it later lol

sorry bud but i cant let it slide when i see people promoting false rumors about steemit inc selling 140 million+ Steem i mean wtf, there was the rumors about steemit inc selling like 10 maybe 20 maybe 40 or 50 million steempower but 140 million? wtf... i dont think ned even HAS that much he has like something over 100 million but if he even had 140 million steempower that would be HALF of all steem and only a THIRD of the steem is even powered up.... so yeah ned doesn't own half its less than a third i believe...

and after the SMT projects come out in the future i would say its good for ned to sell his steem during a bull market, but then again he may have toi just sell sooner rather than later and let the price dip down but then hopefully go back up as new whale groups emerge, who knows... people assume its best for the steem to be distributed widely but what if its better for steem to be owned mostly by one big whale like ned? At least in the beginning, and maybe as time goes on Ned will feel comfortable with selling off hios take down to a level of 10%

I think you have the wrong end of the stick here..

Posted using Partiko Android

That's actually how people should look at it, and we are all share holders in a sense. The people who risked their capital to create Steemit and the early investors who backed them have most of the shares. There's nothing wrong with that either.

Now that the "company" has launched, other people, like myself, are free to purchase shares. It doesn't mean we should control the company though. Leave the company's leadership to the people most qualified to do it. There's a reason the top share holders control the company after all.

We need Steemit to change into a facebook killer. That development takes time and money. It won't be done magically and without expense. I went and tried Minds and MeWe, and I just don't like them compared to Steemit. This place STILL has the most promise in my opinion.

We just need to make sure the "protect the majority" communist crap doesn't ruin the place.

People just love to gamble I guess lol

Posted using Partiko iOS

I have come up with an honest game. Just developing a website for it now.
Would love to get 3 people to play with regularly while testing the server-side program. I'll even provide the STEEM.

I love it how someone copied and pasted your reply as their own comment @stakin hahahahahahah!

Thanks, this really is a concern which we as a community should be aware. Anytime our efforts and resources diminish because of bad system should not be accepted or at least be evaluated to protect the interest of the majority.

Posted using Partiko Android

Nope it's not a concern

"Protect the interests of the majority" LOl Mob Rule? Sounds like some sort of Asian Socialism , the dangerous Chinese/Vietnamese type that has been accepted as status quo....

sorry but we dont need to be worried about protecting the interests of a bunch of minnows who have contributed Nothing more than a few shitpostrs and invested nothing, only selling steem they earn.... why do we need to worry about these people??? Lets worry about teh WHALES and MAYBE the big dolphins but MOSTLY lets worry about making whales money so they invest MORE in steem... thats the ONLY way this works.....

You are also right

Posted using Partiko Android

The top portion isn't all that correct but the meat and potatoes of the post is right on. Tokens = not money. They're not a cryptocurrency, they're worthless.

Everyone and their mother is coming here to scam because Steem users are welcoming and nice. That's all there is. Steem users are nice people, they believe someone else cares about Steem. Scammers are playing on that.

About 6 days ago I made a post about this, it touches on a lot of the same things you've said. I've been here for a long time as a user, as a witness, as a project creator, as a dev. What's going on now is complete dogshit and will do nothing except scare away any legit investment and keep attracting the scumbags.

What's going on now is complete dogshit and will do nothing except scare away any legit investment and keep attracting the scumbags.

That's the true essence, and I really hope we can steer out of it!

After the EOS Dapps were Dead

Dude, just because ONE out of MANy EOS dapps didnt suceed that does NOT mean that all teh EOS dapps failed, no in fact EOS ecosystem is the most vibrant active and is only behidn steem right now because steem has mroe users and has been aroud longer and stemians find it easier to use dapps, but with's MEOS steemit 2 in june announcemehbt we will see an all in one wallet dapp social media built ine xchange WITh universal Basic Inco0me, EOS is the new government of teh future

DUDE.. Jog on!

Posted using Partiko Android

As long as many people on steem are primarily motivated by money and financial investments, we're gonna see this shit. I find it hard to believe that it will stop any time soon.

The best we can do is stop talking about the crypto markets, certainly stop talking about trading. That stuff only leads to short-term thinking.

What's wrong with being financially motivated?


You have DRAMA!

To view or trade DRAMA go to

Great post and valid concerns. Interesting read.

Posted using Partiko Android

It is quite concerning!

the time will come, the more dapps the better for the chain to attract users. slowly step by step. lets moon steem !

🚀 🌕

Moon your steem everyday ! Instant Dividend payout after every game. chance to WIN 261,883 steemies every round. FREE Player Upvote worth $0.75 every 2.5hr

As steem user increases, the demand for gambling dapps also increases, the work of the devs and the community is to scrutinze all these dapps and their developers and when a scammy game or app is detected, it can be broadcasted to the social media dapp of the steem blockchain, so that people can stay away from these apps.

when a scammy game or app is detected, it can be broadcasted to the social media

This is the point where if this doesn't happen from here on out, then we shall end up like tron with too many dapps - and 90% of them scams and/or ponzi schemes

People don't whistle blow here, because no one cares what anyone else does.

Our whales don't want to call each other out, cause they might get called out.


Little Steem history, see how many names you still see and notice who flagged it.

Wow, just read that old post! Shocking af!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Welcome to steem,...


Our whales don't want to call each other out, cause they might get called out.

I think its more to do with this than anything else 😊

Posted using Partiko Android

Great post. I stay for from gambling games, I was enticed about tronbet till I realized I had to use my steem. As far as drugwars smh, I glad I didn't go crazy buying stuff up. I used around 40 steem, I've made back about 21 and I'm fine with that. As far as actifit, people would chance getting big gains, than to exercise. The mind is a funny thing. One would spend loads with the hope of big gains. Actifit is just not enticing enough for most. I actually deleted my actifit. The reason being it was draining my battery and I had to keep activating the app to keep track of my movement. I always forget to turn it on.

Posted using Partiko Android

I will upvote your comment when my vp is up again :P

Concerning the actifit app.. There are some problems still with certain phones turning it off, usually the phones that don't let apps run in the background to save battery, but on some phones you can allow the app on settings to stay on. Its annoying I know but luckily its only on some lesser know phone brands that this happens and man in the beginning I would always forget to turn it on!

Atleast with Actifit, the creator comes across to me as a good man and is always reachable on Discord. Alot of people like millions of people own FitBits, and even more people are checking that built in app that most newer phones are having that tell you how many steps you did in the day etc, but none of them pay you something in return :P

Download that app again mate, and just go find @mcfarhat if that problem persists he will be happy to help you out :)

Youre lucky actifit or drugwars gave you anything for free at all... if you spent money on drugwars items you should have known it was pretty much teh same as buying steemmonsters cards and was just a way to help the project,

because seriously... if you EXPECTED a fucking ROI on buying a virtual crackhouse.... well... just read that sentence again....

We are NOT going to put a fucking Disaclaimer on EVERY steem transaction WARNING the user that playing games can be risky... seriously bruh this 8is really annoying your blatent clout grab, like what do you want, some government regulations top come in here and make sure people cant spend their own money on in game items and also cant gamble? Dude the free market or what we strive towards having as the free market is dependent on people being able to freely spend their money... steem is already given to people SO loosley, people should be ashamed for getting mad at loosing 100 steem that they got for free basically, i mean the "work" you put in making steem posts or whatever people do nowadays to earn steem is a joke and its liek the old west, and you all are acting like this is the better business bureau like your concerned consumers, appalled like a mother against drunk drover

well man, sorry but this is crypto and you cant whine so much and expect to be taken seriously. Like you are asking for whistleblowing action on the Drugwars game? Thatsa joke right? At our tiem of victory when drugwars is now the number one dapp according to State of Dapps, you wanna come in and bring up arbirtrary bullshit just for attention? and now what? YTou gonna be one of those liberal pussies who says 'Oh well if drugwars is #1 than steem shoudl show its willing to pick it apart and hold it to a high standard" dude why dont you pick apart EThereum or tron based gambling dapps and games and leave steem alone and support it for a while and NEXT year yyou can start criticizing it after youve done a little mroe to help steem actually grow...

imagine if you would have spent the $100 you almost wasted on this post on some ads for steem on youtube (But you will get your money back in SP etc and extra votes and so its liek free advertising BUTonly on steem) so imagien fi you wouyld have done a jerrybanfield styulecircular ad loop and you could have gotten a great video ad campaign going to PROMOTE drugwars, and then made a post ABOUT your promotion, you could THEN ask questions about it after you help promote it AND steem...

Yawning.. Goodnight you little bitch

Posted using Partiko Android

Heres a video of Hampton brandon Dancing to The Suspect just for you

Thats the look im giving you while i smoke my vape pen

Enjoy that $0.01 in steem i just gave you, it will be $1 one day when steem is $100

Why do you upvote ALL your own post's? Your a fucking cock.. You will do well on Steemit

dude, I upvote my own posts because thats what you fucking do here on steemit, why teh fuck else would I buy oir kee steempower? I earned thsi fucking steempower, Im gonna upvote my own posts with the 1 penny of upvote power,

retards like you who dont understand how steem works think that imn somehow STEALINg from the reward pool when actually im only using whats always been my o9wn stake, and just because its more visible than someone who just delegates their SP and receives daily liquid payouts, doenst make it less moral....

ALSO I have given out SO many fucking upvotes, especially during the GOOD times, and ive given out WAY mroe money than I neededto have! so when fucking retards like you come around thinking you can asses my situation by looing at 10 of my posts, and a TINY pin hole of my TOtAL account activity, it just makes me a little mad because youre ignoring ALL the fuicking work ive done for steem, and then YOU coem around and act like self upvoting is wrong? Dude youre literally using an argument from fucking 2017, go back to 2 years ago and go argue your socialist values with someone else,

But honestly I dont even upvote my own comments mnuch, except recently where I neede dto give them visibility, but now that Im shifting mY SP around with dleegation etc i donte ven have ACCESS to m y SP really so i am using fuicking 1 peny to $0 upvotes so whwat teh fuck are you even complaining about? Like even if your point WAS valid, youd be compl;aining about NOPTHING dude, go complain to haejin! But even he iosnt doing anytyhing wrong,

you dont understand hwo steem workls but i do and ive earne dmy right to talk shit to you, and explain to you why youre dumba nd you dont understand steem

if you were smaryt you would self upvote your own posts to get themn above the other posts, thats WHY you fucking have stee,mpower for

dude you sound like youre just one of these SJWs who thinks you can make me look bad by making self upvoting look bad?\

dude you are so dumb, sooo dumb

And heres a fucking Upvote just so peopel see Im taking the high road

Enjoy your Upvote!

That 1 penny in steem will be worth $10 one day!

Thank you I appreciate it 😊

Yes I kept forgetting to turn it on as well. I had went to settings and set it to make sure it runs in the background, but apparently it wasn't. One day I did about 10k steps and I was hype to post my results to steemit. I went to the app and it was a big fat zero. smh! I forgot to turn it on. The only I knew I had that many steps was through the built in Samsung health tracker. I ended up posting a screenshot of that lol. After that day and a few more of it not working, I got fed up and deleted actifit.

I'll give it another go though, gotta support the daps. I'll also look up @mcfarhat

Posted using Partiko Android

Currently Actifit points can be exchanged 20 AFIT for $1+ worth of STEEM vote, but the waiting list for each votes is 120 hours or 5 days. So only $1 worth of upvote perweek average. Not much, but better than nothing considering we have 52 weeks in a year.

Posted using Partiko Android

Its awesome right?! I mean if people don't even see the point in @actifit then how will they adjust when 87% of the jobs done today will be done by technology and creating mass unemployment in 10 years from now? lol..

Actifit could one day be your bread and butter!

Ur right about that, a lot of jobs will be automated. I work in the television broadcast industry and already a lot of automation is kicking in.

Posted using Partiko Android

Its non-avoidable I'm afraid! We cant avoid it so we must adapt, or end uplike an episode of black mirrors, riding a fitness bike to get credits for living good 😂😂

Posted using Partiko Android

Smh unfortunately. Technology is good and bad at the same time

Posted using Partiko Android

I might download it again.

Posted using Partiko Android

STEEM is inflationary and has no max supply.

STEEM still has no max supply and hopefully so. New users being able to earn STEEM without investing is one of our greatest advantage over most chains.

That was a typo, sorry.

You just planted 0.10 tree(s)!

We have planted already
7750.25 trees
out of 1,000,000

Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!

My Steem Power = 24615.83
Thanks a lot!

Thanks to @ucukertz Plant trees with @treeplanter and get paid for it! @martin.mikes coordinator of @kedjom-keku

Edited :) Thanks!

I'm Re-steeming this brother so more people can be aware of new DApps. It was madness that some bought in-game items before the game launched. Usually people buy in-game items after they played the game, not the other way around. Then I would share this on LinkedIn, Reddit and Twitter.

Posted using Partiko Android

dude, this is not a big deal, the author seems to be brand new to crypto and barely understand how any of this or how economics works.... he thinks crypto should be divided up equally ro some shit between al users, he doenst get that in life theer are monopolies and wealth is stratified, you need whales toi hold large amounts of a coin,they basically take it out fo circulating supply teh more they hold, same with fiat.... rich people help push the value of a currency up by saving it.....

Honestly i am not even gonna correct my typos because this post is so low quality.... Whistleblowing? Really?

And your mad that people were buying in game items before a game was released??? YOU MEAN LIKE PEOPEL BUYING STEEM MONSTER CARDS BEFORE THEGAME WAS OUT? Big deal, it worked ouyt fine, dude, a free market isa FGREE MARKET, we dont need any whistleblowers or regulators...

what do you wnat, trhe government to come in and put restrictions on how much the average person can invest in steem? yeah thats be a greart way to kill the poroject

sensationalist nonesnese

Are you that much of a retard to read that correctly? It was a question not a statement.

"But Im still gonna give your comment an upvote to increase its visibility and heres a screenshot incase you edit it and dont wanna admit it later lol"

Let me reiterate just for you. IF I had written:

"140 mill Steem got sold by Stinc recently"

Then yes that would be me spreading FUD..

But clearly the way it was written is in a question format.

Man, you must be a real lonely guy.

None of that made any sense, go have another drink

Its fucking Steem dude, its not a big deal, wait for steemit to actually get some users before you start tripping over your inflated labia flaps

because they are making it for real and not just as a scammy game or dapp.We can be the difference and can only spread awareness on it. You are 100% spot on with what you say there, I notice the difference with the dev teams that are more genuine humans like @chibera for one example and @qwoyn who made Hashkings, that they have to stall the launch of the games

I have alot of faith in the steem blockchain and we need to lets dev's that just flock here to make some crap dapp, that they aren't welcome and we have freedom of speech to call the red flags!

At times gamblers relate to and chase the feeling of loss as much as gaining and I can attest to that as I am a habitual gambler and with the sudden rush from the chance of making enough to do something nice before you know it you've lost your house!!!

It's a serious struggle I hope no one ever has to go through but I know that many will, it's unfortunate what in the world is seen as legal and ok ends up being what breaks us down and yards us apart more than anything else!

I appreciate your post and wish I had the money to put into a development to help curb the predatorial intent in the market cause boy do I have some great ideas but ill share this content to help support you and further your audience and the message you send with It!

"Cryptegrity" as in the integrity of the crypto market is uncommon to come by it seems, so value the ones that hold that value and you will be in a much greater place for It!

Take care sorry for rambling on too much!

Posted using Partiko Android

Of course there are ups and downs, bad and good on any business, on any blockchain, including our lives.
Its a matter of survival and continue going to the top.
Steem is still has a long way to go and a long way to prove itself.

About any games, or any startup businesses, hype can't be avoided in some ways to attract people or investors like Drugwars or any other gaming platforms. But when the balance collapses, its gone instantly.
Drugwars had survived as I could see it and hype is slowly fading.
Have you played or tried Drugwars?

Its a matter of survival and continue going to the top.

Is this not just greed, and people's mindsets?

Steem is still has a long way to go and a long way to prove itself.

I agree, but you see the problem maybe lays in the 2 quotes, because the holders of Steem, are pritty much the steem blockchain so if we end up with 50 high risk ranked games and another 50 gambling dapps to offer with nothing else, then that makes nothing different about the steem blockchain and that would be a shame.

Drugwars is just a great example that will stay in peoples minds for a loooooong time! Yes I was playing drugwars unil I found thier conditions of use, but luckily never gave out referrals and was telling people if they wanted to play it then dont pay any steem to play it.

We do already have a few original things that other chains don't have, and I hope that we can get some really genuine dev's to start making things.

We basically need Devs that have a few Bitcoins tucked away and so they aren't in a need to scam people and would love to see more people getting involved with crypto.

@movingman I think this is a really aking us to thought of but when some people only think of money they dont think morally but only for money.

WOW, Sorry but To think about making money IS the most Moral decision, think of a hard working father or mother working hard to provide for their family, if they are lazy and refuse to think about making money they are literally loving their child less, but working harder to provide a better life, thats love, and thats moral

youre just misled and perhaps a lack of money has made you believe money is evil and you can be fie without it? Noi sorry you need to make more money to have a better life just like your car needs gasoline to go fast, or go at all, and youre body needs food to survive... dont try to blame this on money.... ridiculous.... Heres an upvote so you can have some steem and perhaps feel better about the situation

Though I wanna test the network. Thanks for your advice.

but working harder to provide a better life, thats love, and thats moral

Bist du deutsch oder wie? That is such sheep language from a conditioned mind...

Hahahah you have no idea my friend. Please just take and see how I choose to live. You tell me to do things on Youtube? Oh right yeh, WHY THE FUCK WOULD I BE USING YOUTUBE? What a prick.

I guess you would also expect me to buy CRYPTO by USING A BANK right?

Or tell all my friends on INSTAGRAM about Steem. Not all of us conform you know and not all of us SUPPORT Youtube, Google and all that shit.

If you would like to talk about money and finance, then I can tell you I happily earn 100 euro in 7 hours, for just standing and smiling, watching sheeple go about their daily illusion, and that the money is tax free and legal. I live for FREE. I pay no man to exist, I pay no man for a place to sleep, or for electric or water or food. I owe nobody anything. I only need to buy Crypto AND I BUY IT ALL WITH CASH.

AND WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU DO THEN WITH YOUR LIFE HUH? Conformist bullshit I can only guess.

Hi Liz! Sad truth right? but that's anarchy for you :) But still I would rather give the anarchy a test run instead of the governments controlling everything :P Welcome to the steem blockchain!

Thanks let me test.

Interesting post. I am using only actifit and partiko.

You cant really go wrong then! :)

it is what it is, people will be able to join the steemit, but they will need to invest more than they have to invest now, that is why the technology will be mature then, and only early adopters use it now
or it will not survive

Hi craftbeer! Thanks for dropping by 😀

Posted using Partiko Android

That encouraging!!!

That's amazing great, getting this posted

Very interesting read and observation, thank you.

To break the monotony of the discussion about how Drug Wars sucks. ;)

Hahahahhaahahahahhaah :)

"This would in-turn create something that's not so decentralized and there would be 1% of Steem holders holding the majority of the Steem just as it is with the current world finance's."

This my friend is Human Nature

Not all humans are like this though and it would be great if steem would attract honest dev's. I know its in our nature but we can still shout and raise flags on new game's and share awareness 😊 its sad that this is all we can really do

Posted using Partiko Android

@movingman Really very sad truth is that only very few person holding every major crypto in majority

Its also shocking that just such a small percentage of the total crypto holders compared to the worlds population, its next to nothing hahahah.. thanks for stopping by, and welcome to Steem!

People need to do their due diligence before investing in anything, be it Fiat, crypto coins, tokens, games, icos, stos or pretty much anything!

Posted using Partiko Android

This is true. But the new users just joining are really at risk to loose their crypto, whilst innocently starting a new game, and it would be a shame for blockchains to become just known for terrible games and unfair developers, tainting all crypto basically in the end just like the believe to the masses that "bitcoin is crypto currency" and "Bitcoin is used by criminals for the black markets."

people just love to gamble I guess lol

Posted using.

This is all new tech and era for everyone and its sad that sometimes people don't realize that a game is a gamble, it shouldn't be like that after all! Any yes the gambling industry is Huge and so know wonder blockchains for now are mostly used for this :)

I am 100% for autonomous self governing open sourced systems with privacy eccentric encryption and a #censor-free stream of #uncensored-content (make sure #nsfw is enabled)

I highly reccommend watching this presentation from Antop. Was very relative to what we are covering in this post.

"The speech that needs to be protected the most is the speech that is least desired to be heard because it is at the highest risk of censorship."

Steemit güzel ama parası olan güç satın alıyor. Bu üzücü bir şey

This is a detailed analysis. Thank you

Posted using Partiko Android

I think people love to gamble,but again i guess gambling is part of life right?

This is the downside to having open source, although its good for transparancy, we end up getting gambling dapps that are just not fair, changing token distribution is one classic example from magicdice..

Crypto is a gamble really but we dont need anyone making games that are to last a week or a month, we gamble enough with volatilty of prices as it is 😂

Posted using Partiko Android

Good post, most crypto fans are there for the money so no wonder gambling dapps are first.
I myself play a lot and lose a lot on those.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I guess the gambling dapps are quite easy to make up, real games take years to produce and the worst is because of this loooong ass bearmarket, dev teams dont have the funding to work on cool things. The good devs are waiting until they can get funding but everyones broke financially I suppose for now. I said in another reply, that we need devs who have already their bitcoins safelyin a wallet and arnt looking for a quick hustle.

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It is valuable work But I Think People Like Bitcoin To Much

Thanks for that post, I never think about this. And you have a few very good points and suggestions. I will resteem your post.

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We got bigger problems with folks breaking proof of brain so that they can sell trophies to folks that buy them for themselves.

Long live proof of brain!

Ah I know there are much much bigger problems on here, but it seems that all the users that really care for steem don't want to speak up about it- and who can blame them with this setup on steemit lol.

Stinc, et al, exact a toll for any dissent, but not all of us are here for the money.

Proof of wallet is the problem.
Don't we get enough of that in real life?

They tried to let the memory hole work for them, but it hasn't.

Beautiful steem picture

A nice read. I just wish steem could find a way to ban gambling in the system.

Posted using Partiko Android

Its ok to make gambling dapps of course, its just a shame that when the dev team are making typo's or for example calling it the Steemit Blockchain, we should be able to call the red flags out so new people just arriving dont get thier pants pulled down and then they leave crypto all together. Games that change the rules and conditions is another problem also. More transparancy is needed big time! And when people know something they just keep quiet.. No bueno!!

DApps are for fun, anyone looking to make money from crypto in the current market should consider freelancing, trading or mining (Proof of Work) low difficulty altcoins. Proof Of Bet mining or betting in order to get div tokens became popular with TronBet, but sadly 90% of similar staking DApps are scams or early exits.


Posted using Partiko Android

ANyone with a brain knew from day 1 that it could not be sustainable to just make money off of something called "tronBet"

Just so you know, when I get to my laptop, your stinking shitty attitude will get muted.
Edit: aww someone dont like not being heard huh! well your going on mute again
Posted using Partiko Android because your a bitch, and I uninstalled @partiko because of you and your painbody..

Ok, but there are loads of ppl still making money off TronBet, I've never played but there's new positive TronBet videos/content being uploaded daily; on YouTube, Twitter and here on #Steemit. Apparently it's one of the few good solid casino gaming DApps.

Posted using Partiko Android

Tb was the best investment in this bear market.. Seems someone is sour they dont hold any ANTE..

Posted using Partiko Android

I couldn't stop my tears 😭😭 Watching the last scene 😫 Tears rolled down my cheeks😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭it's so emotional and heart wrenching video ... I really respect the guy in the video who has shown the honesty

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